Chapter 22

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47 ~~INT. TAXI CAB~~ 47

Y/n is still inside of the taxi cab, sitting in the backseat.

Except now she's 80 stories off the ground in a web.

She wildly looks around for a way to escape without it ending in her death.

Suddenly, the taxi cab shakes.

It then shakes again.

All of a sudden, it starts falling through the web.

Y/n is panicking.

The car flips in the air and continues falling until it lands on  a few strands of the web.

Y/n is breathing heavily at this point.

She's still looking for a way to get out of the car when Peter lands on the hood in his Spider-Man outfit.

Peter. You shouldn't have come. Now they're gonna kill us both.

Hey, don't worry. I'm gonna get you out of this.

No, Peter, don't.

Y/n sees Venom flying towards them.

Peter, watch out!

Venom runs into Peter and the collision is so strong it destroys the top of the taxi cab.

Y/n shields herself from the glass.

Peter is hanging onto the back of the car.

He slowly climbs back onto it as Venom stands on the hood.

His alien-like face disappears to reveal Edward's.

Hey, Parker.

My God. Eddie.

Ooh, my spider-sense is tingling.

Edward shoots a black web and attaches it to y/n, pulling her to him.

If you know what I'm talking about.

Let go of me, you asshole.

Let go, you say? Okay.

Eddie lets her go and she starts falling.

48 ~~EXT. OUTSIDE~~ 48


Peter jumps to go after her, but Edward hits him, making him fall.

Peter hits the bottom of the web.

Edward shoots two black webs and they grab a hold of Peter's wrists, preventing him from escaping.

Edward jumps from the taxi cab and lands on top of Peter.

Meanwhile, y/n has landed on a couple strands of the web.

She tries to get up, but the web is sticky and wobbly.

She looks down and sees Edward and Peter.

Edward rips off Peter's mask.

Peter sees that y/n is okay and looks relieved.

He then makes eye contact with Edward.

We can find a way to settle this.

You're so right. I'm thinking humiliation. Kind of like how you humiliated me. Do you remember? Do you remember what you did to me?

Y/n is watching when a truck that's also in the web begins dropping concrete blocks.

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