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My name is Sam, and I like waffles more than pancakes. I don't know why I just shared a completely random fact that definitely has nothing to do with the storyline.

I guess I'm just depressed about the fact that I'm a stereotypical teenage girl who thinks she's quirky for wearing hoodies and not liking "girly" things. At least the fandom gave me some personality, cause damn I'm boring in canon.

Anyway, I was with my mom at a thrift store. She has a weird obsession with them that I can't understand, so she drags me with her whenever she goes to one. I was written as a tomboy so obviously I despise all kinds of shopping.

Well, maybe not all kinds.

You see, this will probably come as a bit of a shock, but I love video games. Something about them is just so easily addictive. I especially like Nintendo games, though I've never been able to get my hands on the one console I really wanted: the Nintendo Wii.

Until I saw one at the thrift store and begged my mom to buy it for me.

She agreed, since it was honestly pretty cheap for a game console. When I got back home, I excitedly set it up, forgetting about how plot convenient this whole thing was.

When I managed to turn it on, I could immediately tell that something was a bit... off. The screen was a bit glitchy, and I occasionally saw flashes of words appear, but they vanished before I could read them. I shrugged it off, because there's no way that a conveniently cheap game console with strange text and weird glitches could possibly be the beginning of a poorly-written parody of a creepypasta.

I decided to select the Mii Channel first, and I was surprised to find that a bald Mii was already there, despite the fact that this Wii was very obviously pre-owned. Seriously, where is my brain in these stories?

Just as I was about to angst about my poorly-written personality, the Mii suddenly spoke to me, which was totally not weird or abnormal whatsoever.

"Please don't hate waffles..." He said in a deep voice. I gasped. "Gasp!"

"...... I still don't understand the 'gasp' thing. But please don't hate waffles. Or torture me for liking them." The Mii begged. I suddenly felt sympathetic towards him.

"I don't hate waffles." I said calmly, letting a bit of my canon personality shine through. "And I won't torture you."

Relief flooded through the Mii's face, which shouldn't be possible but somehow happened anyway. "Thank you."

"What's your name?" I asked him, somehow not weirded out by the fact that I was having a conversation with a Mii. "Eteled." He answered.

Huh. I thought. That's such a seemingly random name. I sure hope it doesn't have a hidden meaning that I'm apparently too dumb to figure out.

"Why would I torture you for liking waffles?" I asked. He began to explain that this Wii used to be owned by a kid named Kyle, and that Eteled was repeatedly deleted and tortured by some other Mii named Austin. I wanted to know where he went when he was deleted, but decided it was politer not to ask. If only I were like this in the canon story.

At this point, any sane or reasonable human being probably would've shut off the Wii and thrown it into a river or something. But since I'm a main character now and Eteled is clearly important to the plot, I decided against it.

Instead, I played some Wii Sports. Whenever I got stressed or my brain went haywire from trying to process too much information, playing a video game was a safe way to clear my head.

After forcing Eteled to beat the absolute shit out of a Mii in boxing, I turned off the Wii since it was getting pretty late. I went to bed, not bothered by anything that had happened in the slightest because I'm just like that.

Wii Like Waffles | A Wii Deleted You Parody [INDEFINITE HIATUS]Where stories live. Discover now