Part Ten

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Sara was curled up on the couch, watching the television and sipping occasionally from a bottle of rum. Joey was in his room, taking lessons online for all the classes he was missing back home. Bobby was doing god knows what, somewhere in town and unbeknownst to her.

She hadn't heard from Sam or Dean in the past five weeks, and she was more broken up about it than she cared to admit. She'd lost weight, the stress taking a toll on both her physical and mental health. If she even did eat, she'd pick at small meals and push them away when they stuck in her throat. She did her best to seem okay, for Joey's sake and so Bobby wouldn't call the boys, but she knew she was doing a lousy job of it.

Sara put the bottle of rum down on the coffee table, rummaging through the kitchen drawers. She found a pair of scissors, which was what she was looking for, and padded upstairs to the bathroom.

She studied her face for a moment, the darkness under her eyes seemed to enhance the scar that traveled down her face. She was pale and looked sick, her eyes were dull. She sectioned off a portion of her hair, and cut. She cut a few face framing pieces for good measure, satisfied with how the new bangs covered up a portion of her scar. How hadn't she thought of this sooner?

It was very 'mental breakdown' of her to be cutting her own hair like this, she thought, but at least she wasn't shaving her whole head. She glanced at her reflection again, noticing how her collarbones jutted out just a bit more than they used to. Her eyes went back to her face, and she put on a smile. It dropped, and she lifted the sides of her mouth again. This continued for a few minutes, until she was satisfied that it looked convincing.

She marched down the stairs, putting a little spring in her step though she didn't think anyone was watching. She ran into Bobby, though, who had just walked through the door. He looked her up and down, a wary expression on his face.

"Gave yourself a makeover, huh?"

Sara shrugged, plastering the smile she practiced on her face. "I guess I just needed a change."

"Fair enough," Bobby said, placing a grocery bag on the table. "You heard from the boys?"

She couldn't help her heart from sinking. "No, you?"

He shook his head, walking to the refrigerator and grabbing a beer. She sat on the couch, pulling a pair of boots on her feet.

"Going somewhere?"

"Yeah, shopping. I need some clothes that fit me better."

"Oh," Bobby walked over and sat next to Sara, rummaging in his pocket for something. He pulled out his wallet, handing Sara a credit card. "Take this."

She gaped at him. "What? Bobby, no."

"Sara, just take my money and have some fun. You need it." Sara paused, thinking of some way she could say no. "Look, it's not like I'm really gonna be payin' for it anyway, right?"

She sighed, snatching the card from his hands and stuffing it into her jacket pocket. She looked back at the older man. "Thanks, Bobby. For everything."

"Of course, kid. If I didn't know any better that woulda sounded to me like a goodbye?"

Sara chuckled. "No, no, nothing like that. I just really appreciate you. So thank you."

He nodded, walking with her to the door and watching her go before shutting the door behind her.

He flipped open his phone, dialing the brat who wouldn't pick up the phone to let her know he was okay.

"Yeah?" Dean's voice came from over the phone, the sound of the Impala revving in the background.

"You friggin' idjit."

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