Chapter Six

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"So many people get involved with carrying grudges and having these moral battles with people, where they cast themselves as the righteous and the other guy is the dirtbag. They waste tons of energy on it, create all kinds of darkness around themselves and the other person. It gets you nothing."
~ Stephen J. Cannell

Ruby certainly had the best of intentions, but right now, she failed to see that arguing wasn't helping Team JNPR.

"I'd make a comment about your height, dunce, but I wouldn't stoop that low."

Blake watched in silence as Ruby and Weiss spat venom at each other, becoming more and more unimpressed. This is getting us no-where...

"Well you're so dumb it couldn't pour water out of a boot even if the instructions were on the heel!" provides a good distraction?

The gaze of everyone in the train car was fixed on the pair of bickering Huntresses. The Cat Faunus could only guess where this would lead. She was already near the door. She took a couple of quiet steps backwards, closer to the exit.

"Well at least I've got heels! You can hardly walk in them!"

With that, she ducked out of the train car, back into the freezing wind. Team JNPR must need helping - there was no reason to stand and watch the argument.

Slowly the voices died away as she slipped through the thick undergrowth, until they faded to nothing at all. Blake scanned the forest for any signs of the other first year team, one hand on Gambol Shroud. She picked her way between the trees, going deeper and deeper into the wilderness. The train wouldn't leave without JNPR. Until they were found, it shouldn't depart without her either. Hopefully the others had noticed her absence, even in the thick of the arguing that Blake guessed was still going on. The wind picked up again, and raindrops started to fall, slowly at first, but the shower quickly got heavier. Cold droplets slapped against her back, running down her spine, making her shiver.

She stiffened as she heard a growling behind her. The rain picked up slightly. A beowolf. She swiftly turned on her heel and raised her weapon. But when she blinked, the creature was gone.

She felt the hair on the back of her neck raise. She flattened her cat ears against her head, under the bow. It had definitley been there. She'd been about to fight it. She narrowed her eyes. Her mind was probably just playing tricks on her. Distant, jagged bolts of lightning split the sky.

Got to find JNPR. Got to find JNPR.

Then it occured to her that she'd only been in this forest at night one other time. Who was to know what went on here at night?

She gritted her teeth. She was being ridiculous. She kept going.

"Ren! Nora! Pyrrha! Jaune!"

The rain steadily got worse. She had no more run-ins with the Grimm. The howling wind was deafening. The only other sound that could be heard was the pattering of rain on the once-dry leaves which had collected on the floor of the forest. Blake shivered. Her teeth were chattering, and her fingers were starting to go numb.

"Nora! Jaune! Ren! Pyrrha!"

She tensed as she heard the sharp screech of metal running against metal, as a weapon was pulled out of it's sheath. She whipped around to see a dark figure with a sword in the trees, rushing at her. She ducked out of the way, and drew Gambol Shroud, rushing forward at her attacker.

The other hunter spun around rapidly and used the momentum to try and separate her legs from the rest of her, but she darted neatly out of the way. She retaliated, wielding both the blade and it's sheath as weapons, crossing them over to defend herself from another blow.

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