Chapter 11

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This Chapter is dedicated to @TheRegaliaMewNeko as a huge thankyou for giving me more encouragement and praise than I could ever hope for, and probably more than I deserve. Every time I read one of your comments I can't stop smiling :)


"Love isn't something you find. Love is something that finds you."
          ~ Loretta Young

Jaune sat in the hospital wing by Pyrrha's bed, watching her sleep.

I was her leader. I should have protected her.

He blamed himself for Pyrrha's injury just as much as Weiss blamed herself for Blake's disappearance.

Have faith in Pyrrha. She'll pull through. Would she want you to feel all sorry for her like this? Weiss's words echoed in his mind. Deep down he knew she was right. Pyrrha was strong. She'd pull through. But then again...looking down at her, sleeping, her breathing too quick and her clothes stained with blood, he wasn't so sure.

He looked up as Nora and Ren came in. He continued to look in their direction, surprised, as they exchanged a couple of quick words with the nurse, then hurried over.

"Ren, Nora. What are you doing here?"

Nora simply raised an eyebrow, then looked over at Pyrrha.

"Oh, right."

Nora sat down by the end of the bed, and Ren quickly placed a glass of water on the table. "I'll just take the old one away," he said quickly, moving back towards the door. "Be right back."

Nora spoke tentatively as he left - probably the first and last time anyone would hear her speak that way. "Jaune?"


"You've been down here for ages," Nora said quietly. "Get some sleep. We can watch her."

Jaune shook his head decisively. "Thanks, but no. I want to stay."

Nora grinned. "She really likes you, you know."

"Wha-?! What makes you think-"

"It's kinda obvious."

Jaune opened his mouth to deny it, but closed it again. "Really?"

"Really," Nora said firmly.

"But...but I can't fight! I'm really, really socially awkward, and-"

"Jaune!" Nora interrupted, laughing. "She doesn't care!"


Jaune sat in silence, staring at Pyrrha, trying to take this in. "Pyrrha likes me?"

"Yes." For once Nora seemed perfectly serious.

"...oh. But..." But he didn't deserve to be liked by Pyrrha. He was a coward. He'd lied and cheated to get into Beacon. He'd let his team down time and time again, and this was just another thing to add to that list. Why would she like me?

Ren came back with the water. Nora shrugged, patted Jaune on the shoulder, and stood up, stretching her arms above her head. "If we can't move you we may as well go back to sleep. Night."

"Night, guys..." Even if it was technically the morning.

Silence fell throughout the room, which smelled terribly of anticeptic, but Jaune had learnt to block it out. Pyrrha likes me? That can't be right...Nora must be mistaken, that can't be possible-


Jaune nearly screamed like a girl when Pyrrha spoke - he wasn't expecting it. "Pyrrha! You're awake - I'll go and get someone-"

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