Chapter 17

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"Everyone here is a little odd. But mainly it's because everyone kinda has to be, you know? It's easier to be odd or crazy than to hurt all the time."
~ George de Valier (Catch Perfect)

Yes, there were a thousand quotes I could have used for this chapter instead of this one. It doesn't really apply specifically to this chapter, except maybe Raven's story if you stretch things a bit...But George de Valier is fabulous, and I couldn't pass up this opportunity, so...yeah ignore me here's your chapter ^^

Also, my internet's dead right now, so I'll have to wait a couple of days to see any comments D: The suspense is killing me!!


Everyone glanced the fifteen-year-old as she stared into the fire. "Er, hang on, I'm thinking..."

Blake and Weiss exchanged a glance. "What, you don't remember, or-"

Raven stretched out her left leg as the 'Let's Find Adam Squad' sat around the fire, doing Blake's 'game'. She sure as hell wasn't looking forward to her turn, but she felt strangely relaxed, as if she'd almost accepted that gushing out her entire past was inevitable. Hahaha. Haha. Ha...Crap.

Ruby looked up, glancing over at Glynda, an apologetic look in those silver eyes. "I think...last week I got an extra...two serves of desert. Every night. Sorry, Professor Goodwitch..."

After a pause, everyone burst out laughing. Raven couldn't help it - it definitely helped her relax a little more. She's so like Summer though...

Weiss shot her partner a look. "You dolt!"

"What?! I have nothing to tell, except that Nora did too!"

Everyone just kept laughing. No-one couldn meet anyone else's gaze without cracking up even harder. Raven was completely breathless, and felt like her face would split in two.

Glynda was the first person to get a hold of herself. "It's good to know not everyone here has something to hide."

Ruby looked a little indignant. "I've been sitting on that for a week! How do you keep secrets for so long?!"

Raven shrugged. "You would if they were important. Who's next?"

Ruby grinned deviously. "Weiss is!"

Weiss blinked. "I...I don't know."

Yang paused. "What about your home? Back in Atlas?"

The heiress hesitated. "I guess there's that."

They sat in silence while Weiss figured out what to say. Or perhaps, what she shouldn't say. Blake finally asked, "Why did you choose Beacon?"

Weiss looked up. "Huh?"

The faunas shrugged. "Genuine curiosity, that's all. Why Beacon over Atlas?"

The heiress paused. "I...I didn't like the militarism of Atlas. And my father knew Ironwood really well, so it was just really awkward. My father wanted me to go to Atlas, so..." She trailed off, grinning. "So I did the opposite."

Yang rested her chin in her hand. "What's your Dad like?"

Weiss shrugged. "Domineering. Frustrating. Blunt. He's been that way since my mother died, which was a long time ago. I know he wants what's best for us, but his idea of what's best for everyone isn't quite...correct. It's...scary, how much he doesn't care about the faunus." She looked up at Blake. "If you thought I was bad, you wouldn't believe him."

Blake grimaced. "I can imagine."

"His idea of a perfect future isn't perfect for everyone..." Raven murmured quietly, and Blake looked over sharply, their expressions betraying mutual understanding. Adam.

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