Chapter 12

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This chapter is dedicated to the founders of the 'Southern Hemisphere Buddies Society', or in no particular order, LoveAnimals836 , theanswertolifeis42 , MegsGaming and Dark_wolf01 . I don't think any of you watch RWBY or read this book, but you're all just incredibly awesome, and the quote I found for the start of this chapter, (it's kind of tradition,) applies to you guys too :)


"Sometimes you find the most amazing thing, in the most unexpected places."
      - Sambo Muhammad

Five days. Five days, and no-one had found anything.

Five days since we probably broke half the rules Beacon actually enforces, Weiss thought sourly. Five days since we practically guaranteed our expulsion.

But she knew they were doing the right thing. Finding Blake had to be the priority. Besides, Ozpin was reasonable, if not a bit too willing to bend the rules.

"Weiss! Weiss, come on!"

Weiss looked up, seeing that she'd fallen behind Ruby and Yang. They were only walking now, but rose petals swirled through the air as Ruby's impatience began to show.

They'd figured they'd start their search in the forest - that's where Blake had last been seen. But the forest was huge. She was hardly surprised that two days of calling the faunus's name hadn't reaped much. But it was still frustrating.

She quickened her pace to catch up with the others, as Yang started to call out again. "Blake! Blaaake!"

"I don't know why we're still here," Weiss pointed out to the sisters. "If Blake was in the forest, she'd just go back to Beacon."

"Unless she's injured," Yang said.

Ruby added, "Or trapped somewhere."

"Blake's smarter than that," Weiss argued. "I think-"

"Even if she isn't in the forest, where do you suggest we look next? We don't have any leads to any other places. If she has been taken, then we look for signs of a struggle," Yang said firmly, and Ruby nodded. Weiss had to admit, she had a point.

"I'm hungry..." Ruby sighed. "Where do you think we can get some food?"

"Your face," Weiss huffed grumpily. They'd finished the stuff they'd bought yesterday, and there didn't appear to be anything edible around. "Why didn't we think this through?!"

"Because we care too much about Blake to spend time planning before we set out to look for her," Yang replied easily, stating what was now painfully obvious. "Besides, I'm sure we'll find her soon."

Yang broke off as she heard a rustling in the bushes. Weiss instinctively drew her rapier, and Ruby activated Crescent Rose, her hunger forgotten. "What was that?"

Weiss narrowed her eyes. "I think it was one of those deer Grimm. You want to take it?"


Ruby stealthily went ahead of the other two, slipping between the trees, then let out a shriek. Weiss and Yang exchanged a panicked glance, then ran after her.

Their teammate stood, frozen, her scythe in front of her, in front of a giant herd of the deer. She heaved a sigh of relief when she saw her teammates. There were at least thirty of them. Yang's eyes widened. "We can't take that many..."

RWBY: Black CatOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz