assault course

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today's activity was an army assault course, I thought this was pretty cool unlike most of the stupid activities we have done and once I saw the set up it seemed okay very unstable looking but I thought it would be okay considering how much money camp Campbell has it looked alright. we lined up to get timed on how fast it could be done I was determined to get a fast time faster than all the boys I wasn't gonna let anything stop me I was watching everyone go to see their tecniques nerris barely got past the mokey bar things and preston didnt do it at all he said he was too "proper" for such things nikki did the whole thing on all 4s which there wasnt much of a surprise neil was incredibly slow but now it was my turn ima do this "watch and learn chumps" I said in a snarky tone I raced threw it I felt a slight pain in my chest going up the climbing wall but kept going I knew I had the fastest time yet Nikki and Neil were cheering me on til I got to the end where there was a rope swing you had to jump onto to swing over this massive puddle I lept and the second I met the rope the force sent a sharp pain up my chest and back and I fell off into the water flat on my back while coughing violently 

David ran over and picked me up like a baby I hated it but I could even try to say anything as I was not able to catch my breath as he ran off to the "nurses office" which was basically and little cabin with mostly bandages and the odd few pain meds and cold medicine he set me down on this very old wooden table I could feel it moving beneath me while David was rummaging through cabinets until he found an inhaler and ran over to help me use it my breathing started to calm down as David put an odd smelling towel around me and went to go get me some new clothes from my tent after making sure I was doing okay, I sat clenching my chest it was so sore it still hurt to breathe it felt like my ribs were about to explode I knew id have to take it off fast, the nurse's office was far enough away from my tent so I decided to take it off before David came back so he wouldn't keep me here longer cuz of my obvious struggle with breathing 

I got up and slowly took off my shirt leaving me in my binder I lifted it a little bit showing my upper ribs they were bruising "shit I can't bind for a while I guess" I said just as I finished my statement David came in with my clothes, I froze "max- whats tha-" he questioned I stared at him I felt tears in welling up in my eyes "don't be a baby only girls cry"  I snatched the clothes out of David's hand and ran to the bathrooms and locked the door I held the clothes to my chest and started sobbing "fuck David knows he's gonna tell Gwen and then everyone is gonna know its gonna be like back home I wanted to be me at camp I wanted to get away now I'm stuck again I have nowhere... im going to get bullied again-"   I  sat there for what felt like ages crying until I heard the campers return to the camp I could hear nerf bragging about how he got the best time out of everyone, i thought i better compose myself and get ready before people come looking for me i decided to keep my binder on incase david noticed anything and i put on th new clothes david got me washed my face in the sink and wetted my hair to make it look like i had a shower

i walk out and I see David and quickly run to my tent to try to find Nikki and Neil we had free time before dinner so they were probably in their playing cards or something i slapped the tent flap out of the way scaring neil a bit as he let out a little scream nikki ran over and started filling me in on everything that happened while i was gone i wasnt really paying attention tho, i had bigger things on my mind after about an hour i heard gwen calling everyone for dinner i wasnt hungry at all so i decided to stay in the tent and i told gwen i didnt feel well i took a small binder break but i heard the mess hall door open and i put my binder back on and hoodie and layed down and pretend to be asleep

"max?" i heard david say as he walked into my tent and go sit on neils bed and wait for me the respond i stayed silent my heart was pounding in my chest i was feel a panic attack coming what if he rang my mom to ask her what it was? she will kill me  

"max i know youre not sleeping come on" i felt tears in my eyes i started to cry "max youre safe here i wont tell anyone anything if u dont want me too but u have to talk to me and tell me whats going on" i felt a little better but i was still crying "what were u wearing earlier?" david said in a soft tone that made me feel safer "a- a binder" i said quietly

"okay and what that?"

"its something that like hides things-" i could feel my voice shaking ive never actually talked properly with someone about me my mom never listened it was only yelling and i never got to think about what i would say but david was giving me time to think, maybe hes not that bad-

"what things? ur chest?"

"yeah-" i dnt think david understands whats happening or what im trying to say but hes listening atleast

"why do u need to do that?"

i contimplated for a bit should i tell him?i should he seems the type to be okay with it i dont know maybe i stayed in silence david asked the same question again he seemed more concerned rather then curious

"I- im transgender-" i felt my throat stop me from talking i started panicking again what if he was lying and he tells someone what if he rings my mom- my thought got cut off by david

"i support you max if u need anything let me know okay? ive never really looked into what transgender means but ill do a little research and i can try make camp easier for you okay?thanks for trusting me" 

david began to stand up to leave i lept out of my bed and hugged him i was still crying but i wasnt panicked anymore i was... happy? "thank you david but i swear ill kill you if you tell any of the campers i huuged you seriously" david laughing "no problem max and ill say nothing dont you worry now rest alright"

i nodded and walked back to my bed and took off my binder i looked down and saw my bruises and red marks along my ribs,i layed down with mr honeynuts and fell asleep pretty fast


i tried to make this one longerr i liked this chapter alot im planning out a few more chapters atm soo yeah

camp camp (trans max)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz