Free Day

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neil woke me up to go get breakfast so i told him id be out soon, i decided to let my chest have a break from binding after seeing how badly i bruised myself we werent going to be doing much anyways so i figured id be safe enough, i felt alot better about myself today talking to david actually helped alot he made me feel valid, i had a good feeling about today i walked into the mess hall to get some grub i walked in with a smile on my face neil and nikki seem really concerned that i looked that happy "max u feeling okay" they both asked "yep feeling good"

they both gave eachother a weird look but went back to eat we sat in silence for a little bit but nikki cut off the silence by asking "what we gona do today folks?" "folks? we arent hillbillys" neil said back to her, i chuckled ive never heard neil say hillbilly before it sounded weird coming from him

"i was thinking we should just hang around with the rest of the kids today im too tired to get into a real adventure today" i offered

"sounds like a plan we might find lizards around the camp and we can be a lizard army!!" nikki yelled whilst doing a warrior pose on top on the table

"nikki get down right now you shitbird" gwen yelled at her

nikki got down and continued eating, once we finished up we started looking for lizards or any other sort of insect/creature around the camp nikki found a spider and knowing i was scared of them she proceeded to chase me aroung the camp with it trying to convice me to stop and look at it only to be met with my "NOPE FUCK THATTTT" while i ran away i nearly knocked gwen over while she was heading to the lake, nikki got me cornered at the edge on the lake, i decided to try run at her and pick her up as she was way lighter than me and she was also a small bit shorter too so it would be easy i could hear neil yelling for nikki to throw it at me, i went to tackle her  as i threw her up over my shoulder she grabbed my waist from behind (if that expalination makes sense idk) causing me to fall to fall over nikki wouldnt get up and kept yelling doggy pile thankfully no one came to add to the pile but neil quickly ran over to pick nikki off me 

"thanks neil!" i said while getting up i got mud all over my hoodie so i just took it off without thinking,we kept running until neil pulled me aside and asked what was wrong with my shirt when bright red "oh- uh nothing ima get a new hoodie" i ran into the tent to get one only to see nerf in the tent going through our stuff i looked in his hands to see him holding my binder looking very confused "hey- HEY give that back its- uh nikkis-" "or what? why do u have nikkis bra anyways?" "shes uh too embarrassed to wash it herself i have 2 sisters so i dont mind putting it in my washng" i said trying to brush it off "hmm fine whatever but im watching you gaylord" he said while pushing me over and leaving, my heart was in my stomach what if he asks nikki omg im so screwed i tried to ignore my thoughts so i put on my hoodie hid my binder and ran back out to the guys i saw nerf across the camp staring at me before going to target space kid

we continued playing for the rest of the day to find many bugs and a couple lizards and i found a hedgehog sleeping in the bush by camp, david called us all in the the mess hall before dinner for an annoucement 

"goooood afternoon campers we have exciting news! we are hosting parents day in 2 days ur parents will be arriving around 9am so we have plenty of time to get ready that morning isnt that fun!" david sounded very happy about this i was scared my mom or dad OR BOTH were gonna show up theyre gonna out me to everyone or vise versa they hate it when people call me max because "we named you maxine so thats what everyone has to call you "so fucking annoying nikki seemed excited to see her mom and neil was praying his dad wasnt gonna be the one to come 

david walked around telling everyone who signed up to come into us and he got to myself neil and nikki, "nikki ur mother is coming" "knew it" "neil ur dad is coming" "oh no this is gonna be embarrassing" " and max both of ur parents are coming!"  i stayed quiet "you guys excited?" david asked us nikki smiled neil wasnt paying attention he was mumbling smth about socrates?and i said nothing david seemed a bit off put by reaction but i wasnt going to dwell on it for too long i just wanted to leave i lost my appetite so i decided to go to the bathrooms were no one would try find me, i sat in a stall emotionless i had no way to get out of this everyone was gonna find out i was screwed they are gonna make me feel so dysphoric and i cant even wear my binder when they come because im not supposed to have one im so fucked im going to get bullied again no one is gonna talk to me  i felt myself starting to cry and panic dad is gonna kill me its going to be a repeat of when i came out..


i liked  writing alot of this chapter  having them run around being kids at camp was cool to write about im thinking to make the next chapter a bit more heavy in terms of max coming out to his parents and what that was like for him n all that so yeh

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