Call Me

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back at it again tw mentions of sh and slurs

I walked over to David who looked pretty shaken up and asked what he wanted, he just told me to follow him and started walking towards the counsellors' cabin I was starting to worry      "David what's going on?" I asked my fear was showing and I knew he heard it in my voice too, he stopped in his tracks and turned to me he had been crying I could see it, he spoke shakily with fear in his voice, I never knew he could anything but happy "M-max its um- your parents are on the phone" he wouldn't look me in the eyes "they said they want to talk to you now or they're taking you home" he spoke in a serious tone, I ran to the counsellors' cabin and burst in the door.

"he- she's here sir" Gwen spoke with an uncomfortable look on her face "Just 2 seconds" she said again sternly "Do you want us to stay in here with you" she whispered to me, i nodded and took the phone.

"H-hello? Dad?" I stammered why am I so scared he can't hit me over the phone?                              "Maxine! what took you so long? I don't like waiting!" he shouted down the phone                               "Sorry sir" I softly replied why is he calling me am I going home no matter what? i began to tremble so many thoughts rushing through my brain on why he's calling me                                            "Did you get that letter?" he spoke in a demanding tone                                                                                    "yes sir i did, thank you" why did i just say thank you                                                                                        "good, now why have i had to hear in the store yesterday mrs dunlop talking about how my daughter IS A FUCKING QUEER" he screamed followed by more and more slurs, i turned knowing Gwen and David could hear the phone from where they are standing                                        "I HAVE HALF THE MIND TO COME GET YOU RIGHT NOW" i started crying which fueled his anger more, i begged him not to come pick me up, after shouting for a good 5 minutes he spoke.              "if you want to stay at that shithole i want to hear you say your a girl and ill see on the stupid 4th of July celebration whether your staying or not" I knew i had to say it but with David and Gwen there it was twice as hard     

"I'm a girl and my name is Maxine and your daughter" My tone was blunt and emotionless, I hated my dad and I hated my life                                                                                                                                    "Good." he hung up. I put the phone down, I wasn't even crying anymore I just felt empty, I was so angry that one phone call could ruin the next 4 days of my life. David and Gwen started to walk over to me but I ran out the door into the woods, I have this spot about a mile into the woods that has a little stream when I first came to camp Campbell I used to go there a lot, I haven't been in while though. by the time I made it to my spot, I was out of breath and thankful for Nicki for getting me to take it off before breakfast. I could hear David and Gwen trying to follow me i knew they didn't know where I was they'd never found me out here.

I sat for about an hour just crying and thinking how miserable my life was going to be for the next 6 years until I moved out. I heard rustling but no other noise, I thought it could be a bear so I stayed still until I heard "MAXX WHERE ARE YOU ITS NICKI, PLEASE" She was close, should I call her over? What if she thinks I'm weak I'm always crying around her, before I could finish my thought she had made it to the clearing where the stream was  " Max thank god I couldn't find you, gwen and David are so worried come on" she motioned toward me before realising my tear-stained face. "why should I got back no matter what happens ill end up in the same place" I exclaimed i was so angry at myself.

"what do you mean" Nikki came over and sat next to me looking straight ahead probably trying not to embarrass me. "no matter what I do ill have to go back home, so why bother" I was shaking again "That's a silly question" Nikki turned to me "if you don't go back you'll be all sad and miserable and then when summers over you'll go back to even more sad and miserable, so would you not try to have a happy and fun time here then stay sad and miserable?" I sat thinking why does she care about me? no one has ever cared about me before I stayed quiet looking at the water, "come on max, if you want to let your parents win and be miserable that's your choice but I want you to be happy even for a little bit" she spoke and laid her hand on my shoulder, I began to cry again and Nikki reached her arm around me and hugged me.

"let's go," I said while trying to get up "We are rowing today don't we?" I smiled at Nikki who looked a bit upset "You okay?" I asked reaching my hand out to help her up. "you don't deserve this, you've been fucked over your whole life, I'm proud of you dude" she spoke and the words felt true at that moment "Thanks Nikki, I'm proud of you too" I usually hate sappy displays of friendship but this felt okay "RACE YOU BACK TO CAMP" I shouted while getting a decent head start on Nikki I heard laugh and go to chase me, Nikki won shes like a Cheeta but it was still fun, we walked around trying to find Gwen and David until Nikki took off running once she spotted them jumping up and down saying she found me, I quickly followed and stood next to Nikki with a reassuring smile for Gwen and David.

"When are we rowing?" I looked at Gwen who looked a lot better now "In like 10 minutes so you kids go get ready" "Thanks bitch" I sarcastically said back and while a smile she responded "fuck off shitbird"

everyone got ready for kayaking, there was only 2 boats so while 4 people went out on them the rest of us just had to swim around in the life jackets, which of course led to Nerf seeing if he could try to drown someone while they were in a life jacket. I had to wear a pair of shorts from the lost and found again and they were a bit too short for my liking, you could see a couple of my scars but they were pretty faded from being out in the sun baking all summer, we were bobbing around and it was myself and Neils turn to go out on the boat we both sat in and I could see Neil glancing at me and quickly turning away, he was quiet which was odd as by now id probably be stuck listening to all the health and safety regulations this boat is violating as it looked like quartermaster made it.

"you alright?" I asked while splashing him with some water, "u-um your legs?" he stuttered while trying to avoid eye contact I looked down confused and realised you could see a lot more of my scars when I sat down "Oh.." I paused for a second trying to think of a response "It was a long time ago" I said swiftly hoping for no more questions "O-okay um Why?" he looked at me concerned, I didn't think he believed me. "nothing nerd it was just a long time ago okay?" I snapped at him, and he stayed quiet for the rest of the time still glancing at my legs now and again as we approached the dock Neil spoke again "Sorry" "forget it, I don't blame you" I hopped out of the boat and looked to find Nikki, she was out on a boat with Nerris trying to tip it over but shes way too light, she waves at me and neil and returns to her mischief.

I went back to the water just floating in the life jacket, i was thankful for it as i meant i didn't have to bind and my ribs could finally catch a break "you alright asshole" i peeped my head up to see gwen looking down at me from the pier "yep just floating" i said smiling at her but then promptly giving her the middle finger, she gasped and pretended to be offended "Cant be nice forever" i shouted, she walked off to try get nikki out of the boat, Nikki finally got out and did a huge cannon ball splashing me and neil, "COME ON CAMPERS LUNCH TIME!" we all heard David and scurried out of the water to go get changed for lunch, i got to the tent well before neil and changed into my signature hoodie and jeans, as i walked out i nearly walked straight into neil "sorry max i didn't see you- wow your already changed? your magic" he said awkwardly shuffling around me into the tent before i got time to respond, i made it to the hall scanning the room for Nikki and i couldn't see her until i felt someone on top of me tackling me to the floor, "Nikki" i groaned from hitting the hard wood floor.

"sorry Max I forgot how light you are" she popped up and ran to our table, I followed and we sat down waiting for our usual speech from David before lunch "Howdy campers I hope you had fun rowing today tomorrow we will have our annual camporee with the flower scout and the wood scouts so eat up and enjoy your lunch we've got a big day tomorrow!" he announced in his usual cheery tone, everything was finally getting back to normal again


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