Egg Benefits

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Note: hi everyone thanks you for reading this will maybe be the last chapter for about a week or so as I'm going abroad but I will post after that

time skip about a week

the last week has been a bit awkward with David and Gwen, I have tried to act like nothing is wrong but the way they both look at me is annoying me, they look at me like I'm some kicked dog like I can do nothing for myself, even when Nerf comes up to try and tease me Gwen and David practically run to stop him, as If he can even hurt me, I don't get it, I'm the same person I was.

I've decided to spend more time with the guys like usual, so I went to the lake with Neil and Nikki

"I love Saturdays, no scheduled activities, no chores, just an easy day," I said I was lying down next to the dock with Neil and Nikki sat on the dock throwing rocks into the lake seeing who could make the biggest splash, 

"yeah it's nice to have a break from adventures, I nearly like being outside," Neil said and he took in a refreshing deep breath before choking on a fly, which in turn made myself and Nikki nearly cry laughing at him

Neil turned to look at the grass and saw something " that's queer-" I cut off Neil "don't say that Neil" "it's an egg it's pretty big to be a chicken egg" Neil continued, I tried brushing it off I wanted a relaxing day with no adventures but of course, Nikki wanted to keep looking and soon we found a trail of eggs

 "Nikki leave it" Neil and I spoke in sync we both didn't want to waste a sturdy but when we looked back she had already gone to follow them, we learned they were from our camp mascot the Platypus, 

Suddenly Mr Cameron Campbell ran up and gathered up everyone in the camp "our money machine- I mean lovable mascot has laid some eggs so all of you will be taking care of them til they hatch"

everyone groaned at the fact their Saturday had been ruined, "come on" I grumbled Mr Campbell put us all into pairs I was put with Nikki and Neil was put with space kid Neil was very Protective of his egg after space kid already broke one already, Nikki took our egg

"Great let's just leave it in our tent and get back to enjoying a Saturday," I said

"what? Max no we can't do that it's like child abuse" Nikki pleaded we actually participate I reluctantly agreed but swore I wasn't gonna hold it

"We have to care for this egg and make sure it knows we love it no matter what" Nikki was getting really into this "huh" I was confused "I don't know what's going on in my lower parts but I wanna protect the shit outta this egg" I cringed at her statement, We walked over to the activities area where all the campers went after being given the eggs

Erid and Dolf were sending their egg down the Extreme Sports Camp skateboard ramp which obviously broke their egg, Nerris and Harrison were just playing with the egg and Harrison nearly dropped the egg but thankfully didn't and Preston and Nerf were having a Domestic situation that I decided to stay away from.

Nikki decided to feed the egg for some reason, she basically just poured milk on it and started patting it, I looked around and saw the magic kids and how Harrison performed a trick that made their egg break and I saw how Nerf and Prestons egg ran away and Neil in a playpen with space kid in an even smaller playpen inside the big one

" jeez some people are taking this really seriously huh Nikki "I was actually surprised at how everyone was doing it differently "yeah but it's nice to see that this might be how some people raise their kids" Nikki replied, "my mom raised me like Erid and Dolf raised their egg except I didn't die obviously what about you max?" she asked me, to her it was an innocent question but to me, it was a reminder I didn't need "uh I don't know none of them really" I sighed 

"oh really? then how were you raised" she was curious now "um like I wasn't planned or anything so they didn't really raise me I raised myself" I didn't want to make a deal out of it             "don't you have sisters? what about them?" this question surprised me, I had never told her or Neil about my sisters, We never got on with each other and there was a huge age gap so I don't really remember them even living in the same house as me 

"How did you know I had sisters-" I chuckled nervously, "Nerf told me, That was a good excuse by the way" I was stunned I tried to play it off "What do you mean?" I smiled and played dumb

"saying your binder was a sports bra or something and that it was mine and I was embarrassed about it, it's a good excuse" I froze after hearing this my hands started to shake I could feel a hitch in the back of my throat I couldn't speak She probably told everyone even neil i bet they all talk about you when you aren't around, they all hate you know I didn't realise my whole body started shaking 

"Hey, Max it's okay" she put her hand on my shoulder "How did you know" I demanded I was terrified Had it been that obvious do I look that much like a girl? my thoughts were interrupted by Nikki "Calm down I had my suspicions, but after swimming and the assault course I was pretty certain, no one else knows, by the way, I just want you to know I'm here for you" her voice was soft but serious Can I really trust her? "Was it that obvious" I spoke quietly 

"oh god no, I just have a friend like you back home he's the best he's pretty open about his trans things so he tells me a lot about it, you act a lot like him and I know what I binder is and I could see yours" she pulled the collar of my shirt exposing my binder and smiled I pulled my shoulder back gently and re-adjusted my shirt "you've been wearing that all day haven't you" she had a serious tone now "yeah" I spoke defeated but to be honest I was kind of happy Nikki knew this whole time

"After we give this egg back to Mr Campbell you have to take it off, it's dangerous" she ordered "okay" I answered "thanks by the way" I mumbled, a gasp left Nikki "what was that dearest Max I didn't hear that" she giggled, I groaned "thank you, Nikki," I said again "I can't hear you" she sang "THANKS NIKKI" I shouted a little bit, she pretended to faint "oh my goodness max being thankful? I thought I'd never live to see this day" "fuck off Nikki" I laughed at her                            over-exaggeration

after giving Mr Campbell the Egg back we went back to my tent and Neil tried to follow but Nikki told him to go get something out of her tent I didn't hear what but it sounded fake, I assumed it was a diversion to get him to leave so I could change "can you leave?" I asked "nope just turn around I know you max you'll fake it," she said confidently, I chuckled "you know me too well Nikki" I turned around and removed my binder I let out a squeak, my binder was really hurting me, I heard a scared gasp from Nikki

 "your back," she said surprised "what about it" I answered, "it's all bruised and your scars- did you do that to yourself?" she was in disbelief "Nah, the binder did the bruising last week was tough I over binded a bit" I answered, I could feel her waiting for my answer on the scars I can't tell her my parents did it "and I didn't give myself the scars" I could tell she wanted more out of me "who did it then?" she questioned further "no one it's not important" as I spoke I put on a sports bra and threw on my t-shirt and hoodie just in time before Neil came back without whatever Nikki asked him to get, I could see the concern on Nikkis face all night-

end- thank you so much for reading im not sure how i feel about the start of this chapter but i love having Nikki as an Ally ngl 

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