Wellness Day

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note: im so sorry its been so long, i didt actually think people were reading this story turns out some people were so ill continue on a bit and we shall see where it goes from there! please interact if youre reading so i know if you wanna see more, even if its just a smiley face in the comments cuz otherwise i dont get notified! thanks guys <333

takes place like the day after parents day

I woke up to quietness for some reason, usually its loud, i cant usually here nerf chasing space kid or Nerris and Harrison fighting over who is the better magic user but it was actually quiet. Naturally i was confused so i stood up and tried to look until i felt a sharp pain in my ribs Dang it i forgot to take my binder off, I decided to take it off for today even tho after yesterday my dysphoria is really bad, i thought if i can hear no one theres mustnt be anyone around to see me, but just incase i threw on my hoodie and walked out of my tent to see what was happening

I went to the mess hall- no one, i went to everyone elses tents- no one, i went to the lake- no one the only place left was the councellors cabin so i walked up and before i knock on the door it flung open and it scared the shit outta me, i lept backwards falling onto the stone pathway infront of the cabin "OW WHAT THE FUCK" i yelp "Shit sorry kiddo" i heard, it was gwen 

"i was only trying to make you shit urself a lil i wasnt expecting you to fly away like that" she laughed a little bit as she spoke after seeing i wasnt badly hurt

"bitch" i grumbled i was kinda mad but i wouldve done the same "This early in the morning?"       I asked

"yep, i have a nice little day planned" gwen was still standing there

 i was actually really sore i landed on my back and it knocked the air out of my lungs so i was having trouble grasping air, Gwen helped me up and brought me into the cabin

"where is everyone?"i asked "they went on a hike or something david wanted you to have a sort of wellness day after.. you know" she was a but silent almost like she felt bad about it 

"Parents Day" i commented "yeah" gwen said rather quickly something was defintly up

"So whats your problem today did you finally realise the vampires in your books dont wanna marry you?" i asked with alot of sarcasm to try lighten the mood

"I just feel bad about yesterday, i stood there i did nothing while you were getting yelled at i didnt even move when he struck you and if david wasnt there i dont know i wouldve helped even then, i sorry max" her voice was wobbly i felt sorry for her

"Its fine honestly i probably wouldve done the same thing, and dont worry im used to it honest.. i can handle it-" gwen cut me off "you shouldnt have to be used to it" she snapped it wasnt angrily though it was more worried

there was a long silence i could sense gwen wanted the say more but she didnt ,i decided it would be best to change the topic "so whats on the agenda for today" i whispered i dont know why i whisped to be honest it just felt right, Gwen shot up "yes right so do you want to watch a movie?" she asked she was turned to me and i could see she had been crying before

"sure, what do you got?" i looked at the busted looking TV in the corner it still took VHS so i wasnt expecting any new movies or anything of the sorts " Okay we only have "Lilo and Stitch" and "Toy Story" take your pick" i thought for a second "Lilo and Stitch" i eventually answered Gwen smiled and we sat down and got about half way through the movie before i fell asleep, i mustve been out for a while because when i opened my eyes David was back and the camp was noisy again i could hear gwen and david talking in a serious tone at the other side of the cabin

"we cant let him go back to that david you know that"

"I know i dont want to let him go home after summer but we have no proof they are abusive"

"fuck" gwen didnt sound happy

"we still have a little over a month to figure something out dont worry about it now lets just try give him a good summer" david tried to comfort gwen but i could tell by the silence it was ideal for them Youre making everyones life harder again if youre not careful theyll leave to               I pretened i just woke up, i said goodmorning to david "more like good evening buddy its 3pm"

"fuck" i said "language max" david fired back a bit louder then usual it startled me a bit i didnt think about my response "Sorry sir" i just blurted it out the look on davids face fell, i couldnt deal with it so i just went back to my tent anf spent the evening there

End- sorry this is long im a bit rusty so sorry theres alot of filler ill try make it a bit shorter in the next chapter

camp camp (trans max)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora