Wilbur Is...

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Wilbur is not fine.

When Phil first saw him he didn't see him for weeks afterwards. Wilbur hadn't come out of his room for weeks. Wilbur would hardly eat if he did it would be hardly anything. After a while he told Phil that he would buy his own food and he wouldn't have to make him any. Phil thought it wouldn't last for that long just a monthly depression that would be over before he knew it. But he was wrong.

Every day Phil comes into his house to see Wilbur getting progressively worse. Phil just wanted to help the poor man. Clothes being left on the floor. Dishes not being washed slowly turning into take outs. And Wilbur himself looking terrible. Eyes dark holding no light inside. Bags under them. Hair a mess. Clothes stained with condiments and tears. And his sleeves covered is something red that wasnt ketchup from his burgers.

"Aw Wil." Phil hugs Wilbur saying "I'll always be here for you no matter what." Wilbur cries into his arms not letting go. Phil didn't want to let go. He loved Wilbur as much as a father could for his son so he hated to see him like this. He had no clue what was making him like this but his main aim was to make him better. But Phil couldn't help but feel terrible since he didn't know how too. Phil closed his door and slid down it. He had to think of something. Or someone.


Wilbur isn't okay.

Technoblade was visiting Phil and Wilbur. He first saw how terrible Wilbur looked but decided to let it go unnoticed. Technoblade saw his room becoming a lot more tidy but he himself was a mess. He caught Phil in the kitchen while Wilbur was upstairs.

"Is something the matter with Wilbur?" Phil sighed looking up at Techno.

"I thought it was a... monthly depression kinda thing?..its been months Techno...am I a bad father I just." Phil collapsed and Techno caught him. He could tell he had been overworking himself because of Wil.

"No you're not a bad father. Just rest I'll cook dinner tonight." Phil smiled and walked over to the sofa to sleep. Techno started making a stew for the three of them leaving one outside of Wilburs door knocking lightly and leaving. He left Phils on the table seeing him sound asleep. Techno smiled and ate his food reading a book he brought along with him.

Noises disturbed Technoblade from his sleep. He followed the noise to see a door with cold stew right outside and light emiting from it. He opened it to see Wilbur staring at his screen editing.

"Wilbur?" Wilbur yelled turning around. Techno felt sorry for the brown eyes filled with sadness and tiredness. "Come on time for bed."

"No Techno. I... I need to finish this video. My viewers haven't had a video in ages." Techno picked Wilbur up and flopped him on the bed. Wilbur was too weak to resist but he reached towards his computer.

"I'll edit for you tonight go to sleep." Techno put on his headphones before he could hear Wilbur resist. Wilbur groaned before reluctantly closing his eyes and falling asleep. Techno spent a few hours editing before going to bed himself. Before he made it to his room he looked at Wilbur and smiled. At least its progress.

The morning came and Techno went to the stairs. He noticed Wilbur was still asleep despite the sun seeping through the curtains onto his face. His face looked peaceful with a lot less stress scattered across it. Techno went downstairs and was greeted with the smell of egg and toast. Phil noticed Techno and ran to him and pulled him into a hug.

"Thank you mate. Thank you so much." Techno smiled and patted him on the back somewhat supposed about the hug.

"Hes actually sleeping now. I think we should invite someone back from their own home. I mean he hasn't visited us in quiet a while." Phil shook his head.

"I mean he's moved in with Tubbo and Ranboo now. Does he even have time for us anymore?" Phil joked and Techno sat down.

"Anything to annoy his older brother." Techno sent a message to a certain goblin.


Wilbur is confused

"WHATS UP BITCHE- OW FUCK PHIL! TECHNO HIT ME WITH A PILLOW!" Wilburs head turned to his door hearing the firmilar voice. He threw the shirt he was attempting to fold to the floor and ran downstairs.

"Tommy!" Wilbur ran and pulled him into a hug. "I haven't seen you in ages you little fuck where have you been!" Tommy was about to shout at him but seeing Wilburs face made him stop. His eye bags were terrible and his hair was a lot more messier than usual.

"I... uh. I've been busy with my own house I'm growing up." He smiled as Wilbur pulled away and they both walked into the front room. Tommy couldn't help but feel immediate worry for his older brother. The four family members sat and talked to each other but Wilbur couldn't help but notice Tommy was being a lot more quiet then usual. He would be caught looking at Wilbur a sad look on his face. Wilbur was worried about the child.

"Hey Tommy come see this video I just edited. I haven't released it yet and I want you to see it." Wilbur asked and Tommy followed him into his room.  The room was better but from what Tommy knew about Wilbur it was terrible. Some dirty close now in a pile. Food being put into a overflowing bin.

"Uh sorry. I um...lied. I'm just worried about you Tom. Please. Are you alright?" Wilbur sat with Tommy on his bed. Wilbur didn't expect for Tommy to tear up but he could never expected for the boy to be pulling him into a hug either.

"Please Wilbur don't leave me!" Wilbur was confused and wrapped his hands around the boy. "Please don't die Wilbur!" Wilbur immediately pulled the boy back.

"What the hell makes you think I'm gonna die" Tommy sniffled.

"You're not taking care of yourself. If you don't you'll-you'll-" Tommy sobbed into the blankets and Wilbur was silent. He didn't want to die. He can't die for him. For his family.

"I'm not gonna leave you Tommy." Wilbur pulled him into a hug tears starting to pour from his eyes now filled with a tiny bit of hope. "Never."

Phil opened the door and joined in the hug holding his two sons.

"We love you Wil."

"Even I can tolerate you." Techno joined in the hug. Wilbur couldn't help but smile at his family.

Wilbur is fine

Wilbur is okay

Wilbur is not confused anymore

Wilbur is happy and safe with his family

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