Whatever Happens

21 5 5

I have been through this infinite times
no matter what happens,
whatever comes in between
nothing can actually stop me.

I have found ways
to encounter everything.
I got scars to tell you
that I have fought my way,
learned lessons from my wounds.

Things were never easy for me
and I had to fight my way through,
Cuz, I had no choice
Fighting with one arm tied
behind my back like an impediment.

But the message was clear,
if had to get hurt today
I might be comforted tomorrow,
and live without sorrow.
Something that I wanted very much.

I am ready to sacrifice
everything in my life today
for a better tomorrow,
and I am very sure of myself that one day
I rise above all my problems,
And reach out to everyone in need
No matter whatever happens to me.

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