Unexplained Sadness

13 6 2

I see a lot of people in the crowd
All of them gleaming and are so proud
But look at me I'm really pathetic
And passive all the time

Lost me somewhere
And couldn't find it
Being a being less being
Lost in thoughts that drown me

When others smiles and laughs
there's a silence in my heart
and tears in my eyes
for some overwhelming reason.
I don't know why

Nobody cares for me
"It's okay I am fine",
I say to myself,
"Everything will be perfect alright
When you don't have company."

It's okay to be alone
You don't need support
when you know how
to stand with your own legs

And I'll just move on
carrying my burden.
and I'll never bother anybody
with my own stupid problems
and irrational fears.

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