Christmas Special

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As loads of snow felt down in the unknown forests, Levi and Erwins little family were preparing for the most wonderful time of the year; Christmas.

"Get up kids, it's decorating time," Erwin whispered, waking Armin and Mikasa up.

They flinched out of their deep sleep and widened their eyes, staring into Erwins soul.

"Oh my god, don't scare me anymore like that, you two," Erwin lays a hand on his heart, and fake crying. But Armin and Mikasa were only pointing out their dad putting up an act, and giggling all the way.

"I have breakfast for you two, hurry," Levi shouted.

"Your dad is grumpy again, you better not make him mad. So go get your food!" Erwin said after happily ruffling their hair and walking towards the kitchen with them.
"Finally, sleepy heads are awake," Levi said with a soft smile and gave Erwin a kiss.

"Lovey dovey in front of my face, huh?!" Hange said while standing in the middle of the kitchen. "What the hell are you doing here," Levi's smile already quickly faded into a grumpy mood. "Oh, just lightning the mood and seeing my two favorite children!" Hange said while picking both Armin and Mikasa up. "Wow, aunty Hange is so strong!" Mikasa admired Hange a lot.

"Aunty? That's a new name. Even though I'm not a girl, I like it. Call me that name everytime you see me, kiddo!" Hange looked with a legendary look through their glasses.

"It's Christmas today! I want to spend the time with my bestest of bestest friends! How does that sound?" They turned with an 'evil' smirk towards Erwin and Levi.

"Sounds horrible," Levi scoffed and put a plate with pancakes on table.

"Sounds great!" Erwin tried to sound enthusiastic but it came more as a sarcastic tone out of his mouth. "Everyone so grumpy on the day that Jesus was born, show some respect!" Hange rolled their eyes and suddenly pulled out their backpack.

"Anyway, Moblit is waiting outside. We're going hiking in the forest! See ya!" Hange almost flew out of the door, not letting anyone get the change to say goodbye.

"They're another breed, I swear to god," Levi said while taking a mouthful pancakes.
"I think aunt Hange is an human too, dad!" Mikasa said. "Yes, you're probably right. But you're very smart already, Mikasa," Levi said happily and fed Mikasa with a strawberry.

After washing finishing their food, and doing the dishes, everyone was ready for Christmas.

Firstly Mikasa tracked Hange down, through footprints. But it seemed that they were long gone.

Mikasa put on a small pout and whined "Why are Hange and Moblit so fast!"

Armin was just playing with snow, later on Mikasa joined in and they made two snowmen.
"Beautiful sight," Levi smiled. Erwin nodded and held a hand through his hair.

"I never thought we would be so happy after your war service," Levi admitted after looking a while at Armin and Mikasa. "Why?" Erwin asked. "It's just... I thought you would die. Or lose an arm. I'm glad you didn't but it's just..." Levi looked deep into Erwins eyes. "Hey, the war is over, I promised I will now stay forever by your side," Erwin hid in the crook of Levi's neck.

"I know, I love you."

"I love you too."

After walking for a while, it already got dim outside. "What if we get lost!" Mikasa ran while shouting. "Hey don't go too far!" Levi shouted after Mikasa.

Erwin smiled after seeing the little footsteps of Mikasa in the snow and traced them with his own foot. His feet were so big compared too Mikasa's.

"Of course your feet is bigger than hers," Levi scoffed and walked further with Erwins hand intertwined with his own hand through the lost forest covered in snow.

When they came home, their little cottage was decorated with all sorts of lights and snowmen.

"Woahhhh!" Armin immediately ran after Mikasa to their home. Yes. Their own little home. Everything they ever dreamt of. It just stood in front of them.

Their little happy family.

"Hange and Moblit really outdid themselves," Levi was shocked. "They really did!" Erwin smiled and laughed loud.

The day continued as they played in the snow, opened the gifts under the Christmas tree and sat at the fireplace.

Levi and Erwin loved each other dearly and lived their life as they always wished for.

This was their happiness.

And it all happened at this beautiful cottage.


Thank you so much for reading my story!
At first I wanted to make it a story with a actual
storyline, but it turned out to be better fit for
one shots around and in the cottage.
Yes, this is sadly the end.
I lately haven't gotten really motivated to continue this
and I just wanted to let it go.
It also might give me an opportunity to finish
We Met At The Stars, cause I still ship EruRi!
Also check out my new story: Genshin X Reader One Shots

Thank you so so much!

the cottage {eruri} ✓ Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora