Sundrop x Serpent!Animatronic!Reader Hcs

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You have gotta do a lot of improvising with him in order to do your job. He doesn't like putting any of the kids in time out regardless of how rowdy or out of control they could get. The deal you two usually come up with is he gets to come around every minute or so to check on the kid; especially if getting put in time out makes them emotional. He'll sometimes lay down on his stomach and take the time to chat with you when the kid is behaving alright. Even laying down, he's still very animated and lively, acting as a huge goofball to make you laugh and quite possibly entertain the kid.

You end up working out a perfect system. One visit to the time-out corner, no finger painting. Second trip to the time-out corner, no storytime. Third trip to the daycare, no fizzy fazz, and no reentering the daycare for another week. You figured it was fair, and that it would never get past two strikes. You didn't imagine it would be a problem at all, until someone broke the one rule, turning off the lights. You both decided that's an instant ban.

He's constantly so impressed by you. You're just so cool! Your body can get up to about 20 feet long to make the time-out space a little less enclosed for any claustrophobic kids. Not only that, but your body can shift into place so you're more anthropomorphic like him. You absolutely tower over him. He can't help but get all jumpy and gushy about it. When your tail coils around him, his first instinct is to grab any free tail he can and just nuzzle it. A cuddle is usually initiated after that.

He loves using your tail like a swing whenever you're off duty, his fingers clamped down on it while raised in the air. He'll swing back and forth chanting "Hoo Hoo Hoo!" ever so happily. It's all fun and games until the kids try to climb up on you, inevitably leading to you falling over. The timeout corner is quite packed after the whole ordeal, with Sundrop frantically apologizing for hours upon hours. History repeats itself because that has happened more than once.

Whenever it's time for the daycare to shut off for the day, he gets so whiny and clingy. You're usually working most of the day, and once the lights are off; boom. You got Moondrop. While he's a generally happy guy with hardly much that can get him down; he's always sad whenever you have to part for the night. Nuzzling into you while your tail is pressed against his back. He'll cry and wail almost every closing hour, but you always manage to calm him down with a snoot boop against his flat cheek.

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