Chapter 11- Where ever He's At

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I woke up this morning with a smile on my face. I instantly got memories of last night. This is so toxic of me to say, but I love the jealous side of him. He kept asking about the dinner while we were in the shower. When I mentioned Andrew his hands were around my throat, letting me know that I was trenching in dangerous territory. I reminisced about the feel of his hands as he grabbed me and pulled me closer to him. His inveigle went on like, "I'll make sure every time you're around him all you can think of is me, feel me, crave me." Hearing that will put a girl into a frenzy. I can't even think of Andrew after a night like that. I even thought about Nate all day at work. If it wasn't for the fact that he was invited to cook for some people in Manhattan, I would be counting down the clock to go home. Speaking of work, one of the kid's parents brought in baby momma drama to the daycare and it was exactly what I need to get my mind off Nate. Basically, the child's mother and father co-parent. It was the father's turn to pick the child up, but he got held up at work so he asked his girlfriend to pick them up. The girlfriend, however, is not on the list of people to pick up the kid and since the father wasn't answering the phone they called the mother to verify that it was okay for the child to go with the girlfriend. There was so much yelling in the hallway, and a lot of the students were still there. I had to form a distraction because they were getting scared. So you know what I did? I played some BTS videos and they loved it. It's a win for the K-pop stans. Anyways, I'm packing my stuff to stay at Olivia's place. I still cannot sleep alone.
Nate felt bad and almost stayed. I had to force him to go. I'm not going to stand in the way of him making money from doing what he loves.

I was still packing when I got a call from drew.
"Hello?" I answered.
"Hey Tee. My aunt was cooking dinner and wanted to know if you'd like to join us."
I never miss out on a free meal, so of course I'll join. "I want to say yes, but the girls and I had plans tonight. I might have to convince them to let me go."
He made a deep little chuckle before responding. "I understand. In fact, invite them too. It will be all the convincing they need. No one can say no to free food."
"Man are you in my head or something? Cause I was thinking the same thing." We laughed for a bit and I heard Marcus join the room, so I spoke to him.
"Marcus I know you missed me when you were away."
"No I actually forgot you existed after I left America."
Oh wow! I wasn't even talking about when we were children. By the sound of his voice, I can tell he was joking, but I'm still offended. I clutched my metaphorical pearls and gasped dramatically enough for him to hear me, getting nothing but a laugh in return.
"I wasn't talking about that. I meant since we ate together with your aunt and brother!" I say still putting on the dramatic act. "How dare you not remember your best friend?!"
"I'm only kidding Tee," he said between fits of laughter. "To this day I can not find anyone I was as close to as I was with you."
"Oh my gosh Marcus! If you're going to confess your dying love for me it's a little too late. I kind of like, have a boyfriend now."
"Well good thing I'm not now am I. My brother might though."
I sucked my teeth. " Your brother may be handsome, but we just met, and like I said.. I have a boyfriend."
"Is that Tianna? Hello dear!"
"Hi aunty. How are you?"
"I'm good sweetheart. It'll be even better if I had an extra mouth to help eat this food I am cooking"
"How about four?"
"Oh I must make more rice then. Take the phone Andrew!" From a distance I could hear her yelling in Korean.

Once I heard him on the other line I decided that it will be best to call the girls and let them know our plans. "I have to call the girls and tell them about dinner." I tell him.

"Alright beautiful, I'll see you later ." With that we said out goodbyes and hung up.

All the girls agreed and we were to meet up at Olly's to get there together. Before I spent time with them I wanted to call Nate and see how Manhattan is going, but I wasn't getting an answer. He must be really busy up there. Hopefully he isn't working too hard.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2023 ⏰

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