Chapter 6- Whatever You Choose

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We went inside and I went into the kitchen while he watched my every move. I could feel the tension in the room, much like what I felt when he and Nate stared at each other. He oozed dominance, that is one thing I'm sure of. I put the food in the fridge and turned to see him staring at me with curiosity in his eyes. I took the time to admire him.. well his tattoos. He had a bunch. The things I could do to his arms they look so nice. They even feel nice. When he held me that day I felt so safe.
"Tianna. Are you okay?" Blinking out of my trance I realized he was talking to me this whole time... I think. "Yeah?"
"I was asking if you're going to eat." I grabbed my arm hugging myself. "No. I'm not hungry" I lied.
He gave me this look that said 'don't try me'. "Bull. I heard it growl outside." From the day I met him, he never acted the way people would assume he would based on his looks. Right now though, that is the man I see, and I am all for it.
I watch him as he walks towards the fridge and pulls the food out.
"What are you doing?" I ask. he just kept going as if he didn't hear me. I just stared at him putting the food in the microwave. I want him to turn around and face my wrath. He finally tuurned and said, "I warming your food for you. You seemed to have misplaced it. The fridge makes it cold, it has to be warm to be edible Tianna." The way he said it so nonchalant made me mad.
"You just gonna come up in my house and try to force feed me?! I said I'm not."
"Your stomach just seems to say something different. Look princess, I'm just trying to help."
I rolled my eyes at that. "You don't even know me like that Andrew."
"You didn't have a problem with that a few days ago" he said smugly. We both stared at each other daring one to say something else.
Our mini staring contest was interrupted by the sound of the microwave. He turned to take take the food out and placed it on the counter.
"Tianna." He said my name in this deep, deep voice and it took every once of me not to melt. Nope, I'm a strong woman. My mother did not raise a punk. He continued to speak, "I am not going to force you to eat. In fact I might just eat this myself, it smells so good." He looked me deep in the eyes. "But I will not leave until I see you put something in your mouth." I smiled at him and walked towards my purse that was hanging near a closet. "Anything?" I asked. He smiled a winning smile. "Yes ma'am." I got him where I want him. Digging in my purse I grabbed a piece of gum and stuck it in my mouth. "See" I said poking out my tongue to show the gum. Unrealistically his eyes darkened.
Oh No.
The smile slowly washed from my face. I think I went too far. Slowly he walked to me, each step ever so careful as if a predator was trying to sneak on their prey. It was like every step he took made me do the same backing up. Cliche enough I bumped into the island counter behind me. He came closer taking advantage of my situation. "I don't know what your're doing, but I know I don't like it" he said in that deep voice as before. I could feel his fingers wrap around my wrist. I looked up his 6'5 figure that shadowed over my 5'7 body, and landed on his eyes. He did nothing to show emotion. I can't even tell if he's breathing right now. "Not eating is just going to bring problems. I don't know why you don't want to" he said. I think I saw a little bit of concern in his eyes, but it was so fast you couldn't tell.

"I don't want to talk about this anymore" I said showing him the attitude I can bring when needed. Of course he didn't budge. Dang I need to step up my game. "Princess. I want you to eat and then we're going to talk about it," he said literally leaving no room to argue. I am so hungry I can't function. Usually when I choose not to eat I sleep to overcome the hunger pangs. I listened not wanting to continue to go back and forth with him. It's obvious he isn't going to back down. "I'm going to eat, but only a little." He smirks looking down at me. " Alright princess we'll see about that." I walked around him spitting out my gum and grabbed the food. Before you could even count to three I was tearing that food up. I mean it was basically nothing left but the food carrier. He sat here and watched me eat as if I was his favorite show.

"Stop looking at me" I said cleaning my mouth. Leaning back he laughed a hearty laugh. "I'm just glad you finally ate" he said. Then the mood shifted back to the serious one from before. I guess I might as well tell him how I feel. "Well, as a plus size woman-" I was gratefully stopped due to someone knocking on the door. "Let me get that' I said quickly getting up. I opened the door to find Lilly, Olivia, and Elizabeth. "Hey!" they all said in unison. 'Hey Y'all!" I backed up to let them in and we all piled into the livingroom. Each one of them had a bag in their hands. "What's this?" I asked referring to the bags. They all looked at each other as if saying 'who's gonna say it?' before they turned to me. Elizabeth spoke first, "We brought snacks so we can get to speed on that hot guy you were with." I looked in the direction of the kitchen. "Umm-" Olivia interrupted me, "I just knew that it was stressful and you were going to try to stop eat, so I hauled my ass to the store and got you snacks." Oh dang I didn't know I was that predictable. It was Lilly's turn to speak, "Okay, so we not gonna discuss that fine ass man you was in tabloids with, cause you sho' didn't tell us nothing." I smiled and looked in the kitchen again.
"Hey Andrew!" I called. He walked in eating one of my icecream sandwhiches. He didn't ask for that. Alright now I love to share, and you can have anything you want when you stay with me, but don't touch my ice cream, juice, or candy. Andrew obviously has a death wish, because he's been trying me all day.
The girls knew because they all looked at each other.

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