Chapter 2- Whenever we're friends

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( Tianna and her Pajamas^)

I was driving back to my apartment when I heard the sharp ding of my phone. It was a text from Nate. Over the last year me and Nate have become very good friends. It's strictly platonic, but I wouldn't want anyone the wrong idea, so I told him to keep it on the low. When I reached a red light I read the message. He wanted to hang out at my place.
Me- Sure, are you bringing snacks?
Nate- only if you agree to an all nighter...
Me- Ughh you know I'm always sleepy
Nate- I'll bring the Doritos you like
Me- BET! But we're watching horror movies
Nate- eww creep. Only because it makes you happy
Oops I didn't see the light change. Apparantly the person behind me felt the need to confront me. I look to my right and see the one and only Elijah Keys flipping me off. So being the person I am, I honked back and swerved in front of him. He then called me. " You know you're adopted right?" he asked. I laughed so hard it was almost impossible to keep my eyes open. " Laugh all you want, but you almost caused us to wreck" Uhh nobody asked him to be impatent. " Hey! You started it," I replied. " Tee you was still there when the light turned green." " Uhh, I didn't flip the bird though." He laughed and said, " No, but you did almost get rammed for swerving in front of me like that." I guess he had a point. "Where are you going anyways, don't you live on the other side of town?" I asked. He sighed. " Yeah, but I'm stopping by at your place." " Umm excuse me sir. You did not get my permission." " Well it was supposed to be a surprise, but the guys and I were going to stop by. " Ugh I just wanted to lay down and chill with Jojo,my dog, and Nate. "Omg Eli, I already had plans, you guys can not just invade my home like that." He laughed. " Don't blame me," he said. "It was Nate's idea." Why did my life have to be like this. I cannot stand any of the men in life except my dad and Jojo.

When I arrived home there were already three cars waiting for me in the parking lot. I knew this was going to be a long night.

When everyone exited the car I saw two new faces. My friends Lizzy, Lilly, and Olly came out of one car. KJ and Nate were in the other car. The two new people came with Dee. I already had to deal with my friends unwillingly, now there's fresh meat to deal with. It is obvious they knew my past with Dee with the glares I was getting. " What is everyone doing here?" I ask. Every body looked around like I didn't say anything. One of Dee's girl spoke first. "I'm here cause my baby wanted to come," she said rubbing his beard. Ewww. I cannot stand hoes, excuse my language, that try to show off. " Uhh yea, he's unwanted here, so what does that make you?" I questioned. Honestly I'm not a rude person, but I can't stand him and she just seems annoying. I grabbed my bag out the backseat and walked to my door as fast as I can. I didn't want anyone inside. I love all my friends, but today was not the day. I quickly fed my dog and started to change clothes. While I was putting on my pajamas there was a knock on the door. I ignored it and closed my bedroom door. It was when I got comfortable and started scrolling on insta when I hear Jojo barking and foot steps in the living room. A sane person would realize it was the friends she locked out, but that's not me. I instantly went into flight or fight mode. Grabbing the bat on the side of bed, I slowly walked out of my room ready to whoop some ass. "Tee!" That was the last thing I heard before I swung my bat. " What the hell?!" Nate cried out. "Oops," I said hoping it sounded like I was sincere. " You hit me in the face with a bat, and all you can say is oops" Nate yells. Then reality hits me. " First of all, how the hell you get in my house?" I asked. "Eli had a spare key," he answered. When I looked up he was holding his bleeding eyebrow. "Shit." I pushed him into the bathroom and tended to his wound. He's taller than me so I had to get on my tippy toes to reach him. My balance sucks so I kept falling down. He placed his hands on my waist to keep me sturdy. "I'm sorry," I said while applying the bandage to his face. In return I got a squeeze on my waist. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like if I chose Nate over Dee. Long story short Nate and I had a thing, but Dee stole me away. Suddenly Olly busted into the bathroom.

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