Chapter 8- Forever Just Friends

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Andrew's perpective

Today I woke up early because I had a gig to get ready for. I usually don't like early gigs, but I need a distraction.

"You are such a good friends"

I thought about her last words to me before we got off the phone. They replayed in my head over and over. I shouldn't be feeling played. We literally just met, but I swear we had a connection. I felt it the moment we met in that restaurant. Her eyes sparkled even in the dim lighting, and that orange dress.. God. Not only did the color gave her complexion that nice glow, but it hugged her body in all the right places. She walked around looking literally like sunshine. I saw sadness in eyes and wanted to wipe it away immediatly along with whatever caused it. I got jealous when she gave my brother that exciting look. I should have moved in with my parents when I was younger. I would've met earlier. My thoughts are distrupted by a call.


"I see you're having so much fun in America that you never have time to call the woman who raised you." Leave it to my aunt to fuss before saying hello.

"I was just about to call you Aunt Joe."

"Don't lie to me boy. You know why I have called. No time for chit chat I need an answer."

"I thought you wanted to talk."

"No after you give me answer."

My aunt wants me to take over the company that runs in the family, Woo's Electronics . My parents were over it before they died. Then my aunt's husband took over until he went to prison for drug trafficking. He used the restaurant chain to sell illegal drugs. If it wasn't for my aunts good deeds and a great publisist, our names could gave been raked through the mud.

They divorced while he was locked up. Somehow he got out early and stalked her. I was only a teen, but I thought of protecting her with whatever it takes, even if that meant killing the bastard. However, I did not get that privilege because the policed got to him first. Aunt Joe is now the COO of the company. I know it seems weird that an electronic company has a chain of restaurants, but my grandfather started one for my grandmother. She wanted to be a chef and it was his way of impressing her. Eventually it became very popular and chains started allover the world, which brought my parents to America.

"I don't want to sit around a desk all day" I counter. She laughed at me.

"Andrew you were born to be at that desk. Don't disappoint your ancestors." Well I'll take that as my que.

"Okay aunt Joe, I'll think about it. Right now I have to get to work."

"Yeah okay. You're just trying to leave me alone, but I will be calling again"

"Okay bye" I said as I hung up the phone.

I got my equipment and placed it in my car. I have this gig at this elite club. I thought about inviting Tianna and her friends, but she might want to just hang out with her boyfriend. One thing I learned about her is, she likes to stay in the comfort of indoors. If I could I would stay away. I get in the front seat and bury my face into my hands. Of course they are dating. It was obvious something was up when I picked her up that day.

When I arrive to the club I was greeted by the owner.

"Aye the one and only Big Andy!" He exclaimed. We embraced in a bro hug and made our way inside. It's a celebrity's birthday and I've been hired to make sure it stays heated in the club. I'm well known in America for my skills on table. I never thought I would get fame from doing this.

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