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 Real Name: max Patrick draco 

Alias: (their creepypasta/horror name, their title in general)

killer name raptorclawer

Meaning to Name: (any special reason they're called such? it can be a self proclaimed name, a name given by the locals, etc.)

max meaning "greatest"

patrick nobleman

drago mean dragon

Nickname(s): (locally and friendly) maxy ros pat raptor boy clawer dino boy dragon boy drago striker master

Age: 26

july 17 2006


Language(s): (optional; what do they speak/can speak)

Voice: (optional; describe their sound! tone, accent, speech quirks, etc.)

jeremy shada

Current Residence: (optional; where they're currently found, can be as specific as you'd like!)

nowhere on the run 

Gender: (both sex and/or gender identity)


Species: (human, ghost, demon, etc.)

was human now a species Velociraptor/dragon human

Status: (alive or dead, active or inactive, whatever you will, just their current activity level!)


Alliance: (are they associated with anyone, like an operator? this can also be used if they have someone like a "partner in crime")

dk his pet

 Weapon(s):mainly his dinosaurs weapons ak his claws  his teeth his tail 

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Weapon(s):mainly his dinosaurs weapons ak his claws his teeth his tail 

Method of Killing: (how they kill and/or wound in combat)

the Velociraptor way

Velociraptor hunted by separating a victim from the herd. They killed their prey like today's eagles. Velociraptor would sneak up on its prey and pounce on it, then it will pin its prey to the ground with its claws and body weight and then eat it alive. This technique is called Raptor Prey Restraint (RPR)

Goal/Reason to Kill: (no one goes motivated, even if it's not for killing!)

Phrase: (famous catchphrase or a quote that's often associated with them, you can put other quotes they may have! this is optional)

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