lion guard oc 4

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Name: missu 

Nicknames: miss snappy bestie 

Species: crocodile 


Gender: female

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Gender: female

Sexuality: straight

Marital Status (Taken, Crushing, Divorced, etc.): open

Age: missu is about two years younger then makuu

size she about two female Cuvier's dwarf caiman crocodiles in height and weight

side  (Pridelander or Outlander):no she is apart of the altas kingdom ( my kingdom)

Accessory(ies): none

Rank (Scout, Warrior, Healer, Hunter, etc.): second of command of the wyvern fighters when kate is gone or best

Talent(s): she can climb trees an she is immune to heat of the sun .. she can survive in hot heat without getting hurt by it

Personality snappy most of the time 

crush makkuu

Hobbies: hanging from trees climbing 

Likes: the heat her friends fighting the altas kingdom fish the night 

Dislikes:male crocs her friends hurt luka annoying her winter the cold no food or water

Food:dead animals fish bones

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