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;YOUTUBE Channel wyvren star gamer 

FULL NAME luna wynn star

NICKNAME moon loonie star stargirl bossy meany sis 

age 28






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crush  for original youtubers jack backup nate

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VOICECALIM beidou from genshin impact

Metal illness/disorder:pst 


parent figure matpat

Religion: Christian


YouTuber/Twitch Name: darkus night star

Other social media: her writer account moon eclipse claw

part time job their a part time streamer an being a  writer

main job a police officer she a sergeant now

past job  on an off navy in the army

born canada Alberta

outfit A long black sweater (with jean shorts underneath) they wear blue knee high boots, solider clothes sometimes

Likes animals her friends kids exploring Discovering new things, Chatting, Reading, Dancing playing her  flowers her job writing her books Music, gaming, horror movies, hunting, pranks, food, and exercising, her siblings music,chaos,hunting,games pranks, coffee shoot guns

Dislikes the cold mud sand pranks being play on her clowns her books and story destroy liers, snitches, homophobes sweet foods needles no coffee or alcohol her pst people talking about her navy past lighting brings back bad memories failing her job 

Personality , Easy to talk to, Calm, Quiet ~Nice ~Kind / Caring ~/ ~Animal Lover ~ ~Hardworking ~ ~Loyal ~Stubborn ~ ~Protective (she's protective over her family an friends an her adopted kids ak her pets ) ~Devoted / Determined ~Adventurous a leader brave fearless strong a fighter bold bookworm dark snappy cold at times

pets she has  cats 

a Siamese cat 

a kitten sphinx cat 

Balinese cat

a kitten burmese cat

backstory in works

luna had a good life she live on a farm outside of the city 

Education: police force as of now past navy an military force 

sub court 23.k 

other she knows how to show guns an work on vehicles she also learn how to fly a plane due to being in the navy an learning it

she is a sergeant in  police  force at her job

is a cat person she likes dogs but cats are her favorite 

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