my main villain oc

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this is my oc he was the very first villain oc i ever made when i was younger as a child )

name night slayer

real name nitro drakeohnotfield

age his age an look look like he in his late 30 but his real age is unknown

how long they've lived. he lived for about a long time

gender male.

kind dragon

sexual/romantic attraction.aromantic


height  he are

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height  he are. 9.2

♡skín cσlσr♡


єчє cσlσr



he has scars all over him

in works below)


♧usuαl mσσd♧ clam

×usual mood.×

♧rαrє mσσd♧

×rare mood.×








×name and status.×


×name and status.×


×name(s) and status.×


×name(s) and status.×


×name(s) and status.×

♤sígnífícαnt σthєrs♤

×name(s) and status.×


×name(s) and status.×

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♧dσ thєч wσrk αlσnє σr wíth α grσup?♧


♧dσ thєч lєαn mσrє tσwαrds єvíl σr αmвívαlєncє?♧


♧dσ thєч rєvєl ín chασs σr prєfєr stríct σrdєr?♧


♧αrє thєч αwαrє thєч'rє rєgαrdєd wíth hαtrєd αnd/σr fєαr?♧


♧hσw dσ thєч fєєl αвσut thєír вαd rєputαtíσn?♧

♧ís thєrє αnчσnє σr αnчthíng thєч currєntlч hσld dєαr?♧


♧dσ thєч wαnt tσ chαngє?♧


♧whαt, íf αnчthíng, cσuld turn thєír lífє αrσund?♧


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◇fíghtíng stчlє◇

×how they prefer to fight.×


×combat ability/skill description.×

×combat ability/skill description.×

×combat ability/skill description.×


[×picture of weapon.×]

×weapon description.×

[×picture of weapon.×]

×weapon description.×

[×picture of weapon.×]

×weapon description.×


×item description.×

×item description.×

×item description.×

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my main ocs for rp remake an update (new book)Where stories live. Discover now