Turned on

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"Alright Sergeant Kokomi, where do you wish to eat any area in mind?" Sara had said with Kokomi replying with "o-oh yeah"
"Kokomi? Are you okay? Your nose is bleeding you look really red."
"I-oh my apologies, Ill be fine let's go to ******** I heard it had some good food!"
"You idiot, you need to need to clean the blood here have a handkerchief and I'll go get you some water inside. We can go eat after this."
"A-ah yes also you dont have to call me Sergeant Kokomi just call me Kokomi, Kujou Sara."
"Same for you call me Sara now I'll get you some water. Come inside with me and go on the couch."

Sara goes to the kitchen and she starts thinking..

Sara's mind: She's and idiot it's cute though but IM SO EMBARRASSED SHE HEARD ME MOAN AGGH I'm still turned on how am I supposed to go eating like this?! I'm hungry though maybe because of this I can cook here but with I'll keep thinking about it ugh I'll keep on being turned on. I- ack!

Kokomi's couldn't resist touching Sara any longer
bloody nose had stopped. Kokomi behind Sara holding her waist and says "Hey..I can't hold it anymore Sara can we-" Sara puts Kokomi's hands on her boobs and didn't answer Kokomi. Kokomi notices and takes it as a yes and starts caressing her breasts feeling Sara's breath and hearing her little whimpers "mphm" "mahm" Kokomi turns Sara around and starts kissing her and inserts her tongue and starts taking off Sara's top clothing and slowly going down from her body to her breasts again and licks and plays with them and hearing Sara's moans and goes up to her ear and says "you breast are hard let's see how wet and dirty you are down there and starts putting her hand down to her pants and pulling it down Sara full of embarrassment but letting it happen. Kokomi goes down to her panties and sees her panties are a little wet and says "your so wet it went through your panties" and pokes that area then bites the side of the panties and pulls it down. Sara seeing Kokomi down there makes her even wetter and makes her breathe even more heavier. Kokomi realizes it and decides to tease her little Sara and and starts kissing areas close to her area and Sara already very red and shaking, Kokomi goes up to her ear and says something and goes back down to kissing areas close to her private area and Sara says "haah..please..Touch.." "touch what Lady Sara~? I'm very curious~" Kokomi smiles and Sara says quietly "I'm horny..please touch me" "what was that I couldn't hear you~" "I'm horny haah please touch me and put your...f-fingers inside me.." "As you wish but I wanna put something else in you~" Kokomi put her tongue in her and Sara immediately starts moaning loudly and starts shaking more. Kokomi starts licking and moving in and out her tongue and tastes the sweetness from her area then feel Sara's hand on her head and making her keep her tongue in and decides to continue and move her tongue around "ahh" "haahm" "ohaah" "AHHUMHM" "you like it there?" "Y-yes haah AHh" then Kokomi sees her other area wanting attention and grabs Sara and inserts her fingers instead and takes her to her room. Sara all wet questioning why she was taking then immediately she screamed moaning out "AHHH S-ST-STOP I-IT FEELS W-wERID HAaH aham" she had said this because Kokomi had her fingers and her tongue inserted in areas and her fingers thrusting and her tongue moving made her scream of joy and says "s-st-stop I'm gonna-" she let it out her cum all over Kokomi's hands and tongue as she licks it all off infront of Sara.

Lady Sara embarrassed of what Kokomi was doing but wanted Kokomi to feel as well as she made her feel so she pushed Kokomi down and tongue kisses her taking off her clothes and kissing all of her body and giving hickeys all around and starts caressing her boobs and she looks at Kokomi and sees how sexy she looks that she immediately goes to her area and sees how wet she is and smirks at her and starts licking tasting the sweetness then suddenly she's pushed down and then sees Kokomi's private area above her and Kokomi licking Sara's area and realizes she wants to do 69 and starts licking everything that's falling down to her and starts licking her area then she feels Kokomi more then ever and they both start breathing heavier ever both of them feeling it and licking and slurping then suddenly a loud moan from Kokomi then bunch of clear but creamy stuff is on the face of Sara and she starts licking it all off then feels it coming again and it all comes on Kokomi. Both shaking and happy they shower and go to bed.


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