1. Here we go again...(Golden Trio)

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(This story starts in Belles third year, the cast looked so old but in reality they were meant to be 13 like whattttt?!)
Golden Trio era:

Belles favourite thing about Hogwarts was the Hogwarts Express. Harry, Ron, Hermione and Belle would meet on the platform every year and board together.
"What's on your mind Belle?" questioned Hermione,  Belle and the girl had grown exceptionally close throughout the years.

"Nothing, why do you ask?"- the group knew not to push, if she wanted to talk she would.
The train ride was mostly silent, the anticipation of returning to Hogwarts seemed to be drowning all four students, not to mention some random stranger in their compartment.

Few minutes later, it began, during the holidays Belle began to have strange dreams, at least she thought they were dreams. She stayed with her grandparents and younger brother Alex. No one really noticed how her mood had changed, she'd phase in and out at times and hear voices. Familiar voices but yet unknown to her.

Her breathing became uneven and her head began to ache as though something was banging against it.
"I need some fresh air!" She stood up suddenly and left the compartment without waiting for a reply.
She kept walking until she reached the Slytherin section.
"Look who it is!" Blaise stood up and engulfed Belle in a hug, not acknowledging the clear state of her.
A head turned "are you alright?!" Enzo had worrisome written all over his face.
Her sight began to straighten out and the dizzy feeling disappeared.
"Yeah, am now" she gave a small smile and slid down on the seat next to Enzo.
Draco sat opposite her, everyone knew about his blood purity mentality, normally he would have made some witty remark but Belle noticed he seemed to be lost in thought too.

She leaned into Enzo's shoulder. Enzo and Draco were first cousins and yet they were so different, sure they could both be assholes when they wanted but Belle took a liking to the brunette boy, so did he.

"It's happening again isn't it?" Enzo whispered, he was the only one who knew about the "dreams".
She didn't say anything, but that was a sufficient answer for him.
After chatting for a while Belle spoke, "I need to get back to the others" she slowly stood up and made her way back to the trio.

"Must be motion sickness" Belle lied as she entered the compartment, no one particularly believed her but they carried on with their conversation. She watched as Ron and Hermione bickered back and forth, her and Harry looked at each other and shared the same look followed by quiet laughs. The pair looked at them with confusion.

"What are you two idiots laughing at?" Hermione investigated
"Geez I dont know? maybe the old married couple arguing in our compartment!" Belle exclaimed whilst laughing.
"You can't say much!" Ron defended with a smirk.
"Care to explain Ron?" Belle asked.
"He's got a point, Berkshire can't take his eyes of you when you're in the same room" Harry shrugged explaining.
Either Belle didn't want to ruin her and Enzo's friendship or she was completely oblivious to the way Enzo looked at her, either way she shut up after.

The train came to a sudden stop.
"Why are we stopping? We can't be there yet," Hermione questioned
"Maybe we broke down" Harry reasoned
"It's magic, how can we break down?" Belle wasn't the brightest but she surely wasn't dumb, something was about to happen and she had a feeling the four of them were going to be at the centre of it.
"There's something moving out there!" Ron shrieked
She could feel it. They could all feel it, the weather seemed to turn upside down and chills ran down her spine.

That's when it appeared, a long skinny black hand, the door knob began to turn slowly.
"Death eater" she whispered. She shut her eyes and pinched herself, at times like these she couldn't tell if she was dreaming or if she was awake.
"damn it"
She was awake and in grave danger.

Belle liked to educate herself on spells she could use in an emergency just in case but as she reached for her wand in her back pocket she felt nothing!
"Shit" she muttered
The death eater entered the compartment and began feeding on Harry. She was panicking there was nothing she could do and as she looked towards her right her friend was clearly in pain. Out of the blue a silvery white light shone on the black horror and forced it away back into the darkness.....

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