9. "...Yeah I'm fine"(Marauders)

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"How come your up so early Prongs?" Peter questioned whilst looking at the rather sleep deprived boy.

"hahaha that's funny Wormtail, you know what your saying would imply I slept at all last night, SURPRISE I DIDNT! That's right no sleep at all?"

"Would you like to explain why?" Belle questioned rubbing her eyes from sleep, as she stepped down of the stairs.

"Oh your awake, I was just joking, just an inside joke right Wormtail?"

"yeah sure" Peter answered playing along

"Where's Sirius?" Bee ignored the boys as it was clear they were lying

"He left yesterday... after everything, guess he wasn't in the mood to talk but I'm not sure where he is" James replied

"Oh... ok then" Belle left the common room and made her way to her first lesson, History of magic.

"He went after Regulus" James admitted

"huh?" Peter questioned

"Sirius, Bee made a joke about Regulus, but you should have seen Padfoots face" James replied with a sad face.

On the way to her lesson she saw someone sitting on the grass in the distance, she gradually made her way over to them.

"Hey" Belle cleared her throat,

"Hi" Sirius spoke

"So uh about yesterday.... I'm sorry I was just being a prick" Belle apologised

"It's alright, ...you have to understand I don't want any connections between my personal life and my family, I put them behind me. Nothing good ever comes from the black family."

"But your a Black, and your also one of the best things ever, surely not all blacks are the same?"

"Trust me you don't want to go there." Sirius stated

"I do trust you Sirius, completely but you know Regulus is in practically all of my lessons, I can't avoid him" Belle offered the boy a small smile

"That won't be a problem anymore" Sirius mumbled

Belle ignored what Sirius said partly because she didn't hear him and partly because she was running late.

"I'll see you later", Belle began to leave but she quickly ran back and gave the boy a hug, then left.

"Ah miss Robinson, the lesson began two minutes ago"

"Sorry professor" Belle apologised

"I hope you can make your way to your seat by yourself?"

Belle made her way over to Regulus, however as soon as she sat down she could tell something was wrong.

"Is everything okay?" she whispered

"Fine" Regulus answered. She didn't know why it hurt so much, but his answer was short and snappy almost like he was mad at her.

After their interaction yesterday Belle was hoping Regulus and her could be more than classmates, she was going to ask if he'd like to spend their free period together and maybe become friends, after all she didn't have many friends in the same year as her. She knew everybody assumed that she was probably sleeping with one of the marauders, that's why they befriended her but it was nothing like that! They were her best friends, her family. She'd do anything for them, vice versa. But her love for them was only platonic, they were like her brothers although Belle hated imaging them as her brothers because of certain past events. She also used to have a crush on Remus but that was before... well that's not for me to say. ;)

"So I was wandering, would you maybe like to go to Hogsmeade during our free or maybe to the library I could always use spare time to catch up on Slughorn's homework" Belle joked

"I'll see if I'm free around then"

"Alright, I'll wait at the courtyard" Belle attempted to conceal the smile that was slowly growing. Regulus didn't say anything so she took that as an 'ok'. The rest of the lesson went by pretty quickly, it paid off to have Regulus as a partner Belle was smart but more street smart than academically, she was never embarrassed though, she thought it was sort of wicked!

"Hey Bee wait up!" Remus beckoned

"Oh hi Moony, what's up?" Belle answered turning her head to face the out of breath boy,

" Would you like to go to Hogsmeade during third period?"
"I would love to but I already have plans" Bee smiled

"Ok no worries, I'll catch you later then?"


Belle began to make her way over to the next lesson but then remembered!

"oh shit, professor McGonagall!"

Belle left and headed towards her office, she wanted an excuse to skip the next lesson anyway.

"Professor, sorry I completely forgot!"
"That's quite alright Belle... would you like a minute to catch your breath dear?"

"You know... I wouldn't... be opposed to that" Belle panted

"Take a seat Belle we need to discuss some things"

Belle sat down quickly after detecting her tone,

"This term we had a board meeting for Hogwarts, it's a simple procedure where certain members can express any concerns they may have in terms of education"

"Interesting, you know I think that's a very wise decision, this way Hogwarts can stay on top of everything, you funny story this remind me-


"of my old muggle school where they had a thing called parents ev-"

"Miss Robinson!"

"Yes professor" Belle now realised she had been rambling on.

"As I was saying... your parents didn't attend this terms meeting, nor did they last term, have you any idea why this may be?"

" Unfortunately not professor, you know how adults are, never like to discuss such matters with a child" Belle gulped whilst giving her best fake smile.

"Very well, they have written to you yes?"

"oh yes, of course they like to keep close tabs on me haha" Belle nervously laughed. Professor McGonagall dismissed her and Belle felt physically sick, every word that had come out of her mouth was a lie, a plain old lie.

The truth was a complicated matter. Her parents didn't write to her, nor did they keep close tabs on her, she had no idea where they where. Belle spent the summer Holidays alone. Her parents and brother collected her from the train station in London. Shortly after they arrived at the house they informed Belle they were leaving for a trip, a private matter that they refused to disclose to her.

{Last summer}

"When will you return?" Belle questioned feeling deeply upset

"Goodbye Belle" her mother spoke coldly

Her brother nor father bothered to even glance her way. She just assumed that it was one of their 'business meetings'. She had never been more wrong. Every evening she would set the table, placing four plates down in front of each chair in hopes someone would walk through that door. Belle hated her family, they were cold and had done unspeakable things but they were blood and as pathetic as it sounded she yearned for their love. No one ever did walk through the door. Six weeks Belle spent alone, usually that would have been her dream but she couldn't help but sit on her chair and think of everyone else. Everyone else who had mothers to feed them and laugh, to hug them once they arrived back in London. Fathers who took them on outings to beautiful lakes and to the city. Siblings who endlessly annoyed them but deep down loved them. Belle never had any of that. there was the odd occasion where she'd make a joke and the others would laugh but while they did she feel as though they were laughing at her and not with her.

But that wasn't all...


"Bee! You alright " Leah asked placing a hand on her shoulder.

"huh, oh um... yeah I'm fine"

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