10. L.B. (Golden trio)

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"Bee wait up!" Enzo shouted after her,

"What's going on?" Leah questioned

Enzo ignored the girl and carried on chasing Belle down the corridor. Belle ran into the abandoned toilets. She tightly gripped the sides of the sink basin, squeezing her eyes shut in attempt to regain her balance.


"Enzo?" Belle slowly turned around to look at the boy

"Bee... your bleeding!"

Belle slowly lifted her finger just below her nose and wiped her upper lip, Enzo wasn't wrong. Belle's eyesight began to faze out but just before it did a figure seemed to be approaching them both. With a thud Belle fell to the ground.

{few minutes later}

"I swear that's all there is to it" Enzo breathed after recalling all the events that took place onky moments ago,

"Very well, we'll just have to wait for her to wake up, there's not much I can do I'm afraid " Madam Pomfrey truthfully admitted.

A few minutes later three students rushed through the doors of the infirmary.

"Oh dear, how is she?" Hermione asked eagerly

"Madam Promfrey said to just wait until Bee wakes up, she's not sure what caused her to faint, best bet is exhaustion" Enzo shrugged his shoulders sadly

"It's alright you can go, get some rest, we can stay here with Bee for the evening" Harry spoke

Enzo looked at Belle, hesitant to leave her but he was no help to her and he knew it. The three Gryffindor students sat down next to Belle and waited.

"I'm sure she's fine" Ron said to try and lighten the mood

Nods of agreements followed but no words. Harry stared at Belle, he saw her run out of the hall as soon as Sirius Black's name was mentioned and he knew best of all this was no coincidence.

{Night time}

"What are you three still doing here?! No complaints, straight off to your dorms now. I will not repeat myself" They knew Madam Promfrey wouldn't allow them to stay so they didn't bother causing a racket.

Just as Ron opened his mouth to speak...

"I'll let you three know first thing in the morning if she awakes" Madam Promfrey assured them

Ron smiled and left with the others.

{2 am that night}

Belle shot up breathing heavily, she slowly became aware of her surroundings. She slowly removed the blanket and stood up,  making her way out of the infirmary and down the corridor. She made her way towards the Slytherin  common room. Instead of heading towards the girls dormitory she headed towards the boys.

*Knock knock*


*Knock knock*

She could hear a few muffled voices behind the door,

"Belle? What are you doing here" Blaise questioned a little alarmed after seeing the state the girl was in.

"Sorry I know it's late, is Enzo awake?"

"Bee" Enzo rose from his bed rubbing his eyes "You shouldn't be up right now, it's 2 am-"

But before Enzo could finish that sentence Belle dragged him to the common room

"Did you see it?"

"See what?"

"The person?"


"Actually I'm not sure if it was a person, more of a shadowed figure, you know behind you in the toilets, I thought I was just seeing things but when I woke up, I just had this feeling, that someone was watching me and I-

"hey, slow down, your not making any sense, no one was in the toilets with us, it was just you and me Bee" Enzo answered a little confused

"Just you and me?" Belle repeated the words slowly not believing them.

She thought hard for a moment, then turned around and began to walk out of the common room.

"Wait! Where are you going?"
"I'm retracing my steps"
"Belle it's late don't you thi-"

She spun around and faced the boy
"Listen Enzo I trust you, maybe there wasn't anyone there or maybe you didn't see them, but there's no harm in looking, what's the worst that can happen?!"
Despite the boys opposition he followed Belle to the toilets, just in case something happened to her again.

She studied the floor, maybe the person dropped something.
"Do you maybe think you want this to be real, you know, so maybe there's an explanation for what happened earlier?" Enzo asked

Belle stood up and sighed "I feel like I'm going crazy, ever since I stepped off that train I could tell something would be different. It's just with everything that's happened in the past two years we never really get a chance to just sit down and enjoy each other's company like we used to and I don't mean just us, when was the last time we all hung out together? It's not the same and this year won't be any different now that there's a maniac killer on the loose."

"Alright if it makes you feel any better I'll plan something, with the whole gang tomorrow evening, like old times"
Belle smiled at Enzo
"Guess we should head back?" She scratched her neck.
"Uh yeah, I'm right behind you"
Belle ignored Enzo's strange behaviour and continued walking out of the bathroom.

As Enzo began to walk out of the bathroom until he noticed something glistening in the corner of his eyes, he bent down and picked it up.
"That's odd, I don't remember her wearing it"
In his hand laid a small silver chain with a with a small star attached to it. Enzo had gifted this necklace to Belle last Christmas. Shaking the thought from his head Enzo made his way to the common room.

"Oh hey Leah, didn't know you would be up?"
"Who we're you talking to?"
"Just Enzo why? Is something wrong?"
"Why are you always talking to him?!"
"What?" Belle chuckled nervously
Leah ignored the girl and turned around so she was no longer facing Belle. It was late and Belle knew she needed to attend her classes so she changed into her pyjamas after rolling her eyes at the girl. She barely spoke to Belle and now she's angry?

*Knock knock*

Belle made her way to the door...
"Ok so I know you were probably getting ready to sleep but I was just wandering if you still have that necklace I gave you last Christmas?"Enzo leaned on the doorway anxiously biting his lip.
"Of course I do" Belle pulled the necklace out from under her shirt.
"I forgot to put it on yesterday but I always wear it" she whispered shaking her shoulders.
"Why do you ask?"
"Just checking" Enzo smiled and left without another word.
Now there was always the possibility that someone else had the same necklace but Enzo specially carved his initials into her necklace so that she would always feel close to him. Slowly walking away Enzo flipped the star over and saw his initials engraved into the back of the necklace.

"What the fuck..."

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