4.You havent read the paper?! (Golden Trio)

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Not again Belle thought to herself. Her alarm didn't wake her up which meant she was late. Again.
She quickly got dressed into her robes and made her way to Herbology.
She ran down the never ending hallways in attempt to waist no more time. She tried to creep into her classroom but the seemingly huge door did not fail to gain everyone's attention.
"Ah Miss Robinson how kind for you to finally grace us with your presence"
"yes I didn't want you to miss my company" Belle replied sarcastically with a smile.
Making her way over to her seat she plopped down next to Enzo who seemed to be out of it.
Enzo quickly looked at her as she slowly scraped the stool on the hard stone ground and rolled his eyes after noticing her smirk.
"Watcha ya thinking about?"
"How much I want this lesson to end"Enzo sighed
"Unfortunately I understand that pain"

The class continued to drag on for what felt like hours. However the pair never failed to make one another laugh. It seems when they were together nothing was insufferable.

"Oi" Enzo turned his head to see what had hit him.
Behind him Blaise and Maya were laughing. Blaise smirked and made kissing noises.
Rolling his eyes he hoped Belle hadn't noticed the pairs immature behaviour but when he looked at her she seemed miles away. He knew something was bugging her but wasn't sure how to help her, he didn't even know what was wrong! Belle wasn't the most open person, she didn't like the attention and often kept her life on the down low.

The class was soon dismissed and the group made their way to the library.
"Hey, I'll meet you guys in a bit I need to go find the others."
"Alright see ya." They replied together

Belle quickly made her way over to Hagrids Hut, she knew they'd be spending the afternoon with him because that's exactly what she would do if she had time to spare.
"Hey guys!"
"Bee finally, I've been trying to explain to Ron that Crookshanks would never touch his stupid rat" Hermione rolled her eyes
"She's got a point Ron, who would ever touch that rat, it's a rat for Merlins sake!" Belle defended
"Hey, Scavers has been in the family 12 years now!"
"Alright Ron if you say so" Belle lifted her hands in defeat.
"Where's Harry?"
"Dunno, haven't seen him since this morning, he's probably not feeling well" Ron replied nonchalantly
"I need to ask him something so I'll catch you guys later?"
"Sure!" Hermione smiled

After wondering for a little while longer Belle saw a figure sitting by themselves on a bench outside of the castle. It had been raining slightly. The greens and greys of the land seemed to fit the mood perfectly.
"Harry, are you alright?"
"Just thinking"
"Life, school, My parents" He smiled sadly at the last part. Another year went by and Harry didn't have his parents to write to or to wave goodbye to on platform 9&3/4. Though Belle was not an orphan like Harry she understood the feeling, not as well but to some extent.

"Actually that's why I'm here"

Harry slowly looked up confused.

"This might seem slightly weird but have you ever heard the names Padfoot and Moony in association with either of your parents, I mean I know you never heard them say the names but maybe one of the teachers did when mentioning your parents?" Belle didn't want to come across insensitive as Harry did seem a little down.
"I can't say that I have, you could always ask Mcgonagall if she's ever taught anyone with those names I guess"
Idiot Belle thought to herself, why didn't she think of that earlier!
"Ah Harry your a genius!" She exclaimed whilst engulfing Harry in a hug.
"You just realised?" Harry pretended to seem offended.
"How about me, you, mione and Ron play wizards chess later this evening? "You know like we used to before our life's became, well-"
"a mess?"
They both laughed together just enjoying each other's company. Even though it was only the first week back both of the students knew it wouldn't be long before trouble began.
"I hope they're proud of us, you know having gone through everything we have"
"Me too" Belle sighed
Even thought Belle had parents at times it felt like she didn't really know them or she was an orphan and Harry noticed it. They'd both spend most the holidays with the Weasleys and this was no coincidence. Though no one would ever understand the pain of being an orphan better than Harry.

Together, they gradually made their way back into the castle. Harry had a lesson so he left but Belle had a free period so she made her way over to the library like she had originally planned. As she walked through the doors the warm dimly lit room provided such comfort to Belle.
"Oh no, I completely forgot" she whispered to herself.
She had promised to help Alex with his homework. She hurriedly walked through the bookshelves to the designated corner table, she saw Enzo sat by Alex both looking confused.
She laughed a little.
"But your two years older than me!" "How can you not know this?" Alex huffed frustrated
"I uh, wait let's go through it again"
"We've been through it a million times!" "If only Belle was here"
" I have been summoned?"
"Finally, I said 11 not 11:45!"
"Yh sorry about that"
"You need to help me seeing as mister no brainier has no idea how to do this?"
"Hey little dude I'm two years older than you"
"Clearly no less dumber" Belle smirked
Enzo folded his arms and looked away mumbling some curses as the other two laughed. After a few minutes they had completed the work and were now chatting away.

"Have you heard from the ministry yet?" Alex asked
Over the holidays Claret and Michael (Belles parents) had been sent on a secret mission for the ministry. They weren't able to disclose much information to their children other than; they wouldn't be home for the holidays but should be back a few days after and they should wait for their owl.
Belle cleared her throat trying to hint to Alex to remain quiet.
"Not yet but it's only been a day"
Enzo's interest in the conversation now increased,
"Did something happen? Why would you be expecting to hear from them on the first day back if you've just spent two weeks together?"
Belle spoke before Alex could give anything more away.
"No reason, cousins getting married so we're just waiting for the date and time" this was a complete lie, actually Belle was pretty good at coming up with lies, it came pretty naturally to her, she was proud of it sometimes other times she could not decide whether she should be proud or ashamed. Oh well it got her out of most her troubles.

A few hours passed and Belle decided to take a nap as she promised Harry a game of chess and one thing about Belle was she always kept her promises.

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