5.This is forever(Marauders)

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"So party?"
"It's the first night back are you mad?"
"ItS thE fIrSt niGhT BaCk aRe You MaD" Sirius mocked.
"Come on Bee live a little"
"Guys back me up on this"
"No I agree she's right" James replied.
Everyone turned around shocked and just stared at him.

"Guys do you think we picked up the wrong Prongs on the way to Hogwarts cause this one seems weird?"

James rolled his eyes "listen, you guys know I'm not one to turn down a party but it's the first day back with means Lily will be up and early, therefore I need my beauty sleep so when I accidentally stumble into her she will be encapsulated by my charm!" James smiled, seeming a bit too proud of this pathetic pan of  his.

"Your such a creep" but what did Belle expect. James had a way with girls. Not necessarily a good way but he knew what he was doing.

"I need to find some new friends you lot are getting old" Sirius replied
"Yeah good luck with that Padfoot we're the best thing that ever happened to you"
"Moony isn't wrong you know" Peter replied
"He's never wrong" Belle smiled

Belle made her way to her dorm eventually after a long conversation with the boys.
"Miss me?" 
Belle ran over and gave the girl a hug.

Leah was Belle's best friend (well girl best friend) . They were inseparable, the first day at Hogwarts was nerve wracking for everyone and in a room full of strangers it's easy to feel very small. However they had both been sorted into Gryffindor and hit it off very quickly.
Leah was a pure blood but had the kindest heart. Her parents were the same. They were an extremely respectable family and came from old money. She was an only child but her bond with Belle was nothing short of a sisterhood.
"When did you arrive?"
"Only around an hour ago, I would have come to find you but I needed to unpack and well I didn't have the energy to be looking for you when Merlin knows where you could have been!"
"Lazy git" Belle smiled
Both the girls were extremely tired and decided to go to sleep as the first week back was always the longest.

The next morning was quite eventful to day least. After the two girls had gotten ready for the day they made their way to breakfast, where they heard tons of laughter.
"Oh no, here we go" the two girls looked at each other
The marauders loved to make an entrance but this time it seems it didn't go to plan. There was food all over the floor and half the candles had fallen from the ceiling. Belle wasn't even sure how that was possible but both the girls stood at the entrance mouths wide open laughing.
"Out of my way, out of my way, oh dear! James Potter , Sirius Black to my office right now!" Both the boys turned around and the smiles on their faces quickly faded. An extremely unamused professor Mcgonagall stared into their souls. When they didn't move she made her way over to them and grabbed them both by the ear, dragging them out of the great hall. The boys both turned red and bickered back and forth about whose fault it was.

Despite all of the havoc Belle stood there for a minute just smiling and taking it all in. It was days like these which reminded here why she loved this place so much. It was Hogwarts.

It was home.

"What's going on?" Remus questioned whilst rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
"Honestly, I thought you would know" Belle replied, a little confused.
"I heard them talking about some scheme of theirs but I decided against participating, we both did" motioning to Peter.
"I'm quite glad we did" Peter started as they all stared at the state of the great hall.

"You know what I'm not even hungry "
"Yeah I was planning on skipping anyway"
"I ate too much last night"
"Me too"
The four students looked at each other and began to laugh, instead they made their way to the first lesson of the day, Potions.
Due to the shortage of staff this term the different years would be mixing in some lessons. Potions was one of them. This meant Belle had the marauders in her class, she was excited of course, just a little scared she'd be distracted.

As the group made their way to some empty seats they were interrupted.
"Sorry children but I will be deciding where you sit"
Professor Slughorn announced.
"Yes, yes, I know you can't sit where you want, how sad" he replied to the multiple groans.

Assigning the seats Belle noticed she had a spare seat next to her. Both James and Leah were on her table. Behind her sat the other three boys and a girl who seemed scared. Bless her. She should be scared.

"Ah Mr Black I hope you didn't lose your way seeing as you've been attending Hogwarts for the past two years?"
The group all seemed confused and then realised he wasn't talking to Sirius...
"Sorry sir, one of the new teachers stopped me on the way, needed help finding a classroom".
All heads turned to the back of the room.
"Very well, take a seat next to miss Robinson"
Regulus silently nodded
Well this is perfect, totally not awkward Belle thought to herself.
She offered him a small smile which he retuned, she didn't mind Regulus, they had never spoken much, only in class but she was aware of the complicated past between the two brothers and she did not wish to become trapped in the middle, not to mention that James was also on her table laughing slightly at her. Could he make it anymore obvious she thought rolling her eyes.

"I'm sure I added the Gillyweed" Remus stared at their potion in confusion. The desired potion should have been blue with a silver mist. However the sight at their table was quite different, it was a black goop and it was moving, almost as though it was alive.
Belle's table laughed whilst looking at theirs.

"You should cut it vertically in the middle" Remus corrected Belle
"Sorry?" Belle didn't exactly catch onto what Remus said, he spoke very quietly.
"Like this", he slowly reached out and took the Galanthus Nivalis stem from Belle, his hands gently brushing over hers.
"It helps the potion work faster" he smiled
"Oh, I didn't know that, thanks" she returned the smile.

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