2. Familiar Faces?! (Golden Trio)

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Professor Lupin.
It bugged Belles mind, why was that name so familiar and the face of the professor, it was almost like she recognised him but she was sure this was her first encounter of the mysterious man.

"Harry? Harry, are you alright?" Hermione pushed for an answer.
She looked at Harry but couldn't read his face.
"Chocolate. Eat. it'll help", he's not wrong, chocolate makes everything better. The Professor left after explaining he needs to talk to the driver.

Belle sat alone in the corner for the rest of the journey, something not sitting right with her. Dementors we're guards of Azkaban, so what were they doing so far away from the prison? And weren't they under the Ministries control? Surely they wouldn't allow them near students without protection.

At arriving at Hogwarts Belle made her way to Enzo, despite being in the same house she didn't spend as much time with her Slytherin friends as she did with her Gryffindors friends, she didn't feel as welcome in the Slytherin house because she hung out with a particular group of Gryffindors much to their despise.

"Hey Enzo, Maya, Blaise, wait up!!!" She yelled
"Here comes idiot number 2" Blaise smiled
"Whose idiot number 1?" Enzo questioned
"You of course" Blaise smirked at his own dumb remark.
She caught up quick, the two girls chatted all the way up to the castle, they were best friends after all.

"So what's the latest with you and Sam?" Belle never particularly like the boys Maya went for as they always ended up being complete asses but nevertheless she was supportive(to an extent), Maya was an only child and she needed to feel like people were there for her.

Maya shrugged sadly, oh shit he's done it again Belle thought. "Dunno and don't care",
"He's a real twat, you don't need him"
she smiled sadly.
"Belle's right you know, when has he ever done anything you've actually wanted to do?!" Enzo agreed.
Belle and Enzo both believed Blaise and Maya would be the perfect match, in fact they've got an ongoing bet with Malfoy. They believe by the end of year five the pair will be together, Draco thinks Blaise will fuck it up and move on. How very optimistic of the blonde

Dumbledore gave a welcoming speech as he did every year but this time Belle didn't particularly care for what he had to say.

"Potter! Is it true you fainted?! I mean you actually fainted" Draco pushed purposely trying to get on Harry's nerve.
"Shove off Malfoy" Ron replied
"Checking up on your boyfriend are you?" Belle smirked, whenever Draco annoyed Harry she'd make jokes to get back at him.
"Fuck off Belle go play with some of your toys".
She rolled her eyes at his childish remark.
"Watch it Draco" Enzo warned.

Dumbledore then began to introduce the new teachers including Professor Lupin, whilst the speech continued the professor and Belle locked eyes for a second but quickly looked away. Belle had many things to worry about, she didn't need to add another to her list.

"Belle I don't understand my homework!" Alex complained
Alex was Belles younger brother, a Hufflepuff, he really did have a kind heart and she wasn't exactly sure how they were related but she loved him nonetheless.
"I'll help you tomorrow, I'm extremely tired right now ok?"
"All right, meet me at the library at 11?" He pleaded
"Sure" Belle loved Hogwarts, it was never as boring as the muggle schools she attended as a child.

The houses made their way to their dorms after dinner, Belle was tired so she didn't bother staying up late with the rest of them.
Belle fell asleep with ease as she always seemed to be exhausted. During dinner the name Sirius Black had been mentioned several times but she couldn't care less about some random lunatic so she didn't ask who it was.

Maya entered the dorms about 1 in the morning and noticed Belle shifting in her sleep, she was unaware of the "dreams" but thought it was best to wake her up in case something was wrong.
"Belle. Belle. Wake up!"
She stirred awake looking confused at Mayas complexion.
"What?" she asked groggily
"You were speaking. In your sleep!"
She gulped, knowing her brother had walked in on her during the holidays speaking whilst asleep, it was becoming more frequent.
"What was I saying?" Belle asked curiously
"It's hard to say, you were almost having a conversation? I don't know."
"You said something along the lines, James is way over his head for lily and you told someone called black to shut up or you'd tell Moony" Maya seemed hugely confused at what she was saying almost like she was speaking gibberish

Soon after Belle began to feel sick again and needed to get up. She rushed out of the dorms and into the common room.

Who the hell was Black, who the hell was Moony!!
She did know two people called James and Lily but surely they couldn't be who she thought.
Harry's parents?!

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