The Garden

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           I didn't move Sam's body from the floor right now. His body could rot away in his library for all care for him. I have to go to the flower shop to get some plants, gardening tools and soil. The more dangerous plants I can get, the better.


         I walked through the hallways and up the stairs in my blood stained nightgown. Luckily, the blood on my nightgown has already dried. If not, the blood on my nightgown would drip everywhere. Another mess I have to clean up.

        I walked through the hallways into my room. I quickly took a bath and I washed my cut on my hands. It healed quickly enough that I didn't have to wrap it up. I didn't want to call any maids or anyone to the house. Samar's night told everyone to leave the house and don't come over here today. I'm glad they are not here today. Someone might find Sam's bloody body.

        The bath water was cold. I didn't mind the cold bath water. I scrubbed the dried blood off my hands and body. The bath water felt like I washed away my sins of killing him.

       A devilish smile fell on my face. I couldn't stop smiling. I finally got rid of him, I actually love killing him. The light in his eyes escaping.


        I quickly got out of the bath when I was done washing off the blood. I pat myself dry and dress myself. Normally, women would have a maid to help them get dressed. Sam would take my money for a maid away from me. I had to get dressed by myself many times. Nothing unusual anymore for me to dress myself. At first, it was hard because of the many layers of clothes.

      I decided to wear black today and black gloves to cover up the scar on my hand. After all, I am in fact a widow now. Thinking of what I am today, it put a smile on my face. I haven't smiled in a long time.

        I gave myself a quick once over in the mirror and walked throughout the hallways, then down the stairs into the hallway that leads to outside. I grabbed Sam's coin purse before leaving. Luckily, his coin purse was on a wooden stand in the hallway. He probably left it there when the footman came to the door, when he gave Sam the letter earlier. Then I opened the drawer to the wooden stand, I grabbed a paper and ink pen. I wrote down everything I needed for the garden.

        I walked outside, with my coin purse and with my list, I could feel the sun on my face. The warmth on my skin. A new start for me, without him. Now I just have to take care of him.

        I walked to the street, then I waved my hand when I saw an empty carriage go by, on the other side of the street. The coachman saw me and stopped the carriage for me to get in.

I walked across the street and said to the coachman, "The flower shop on West Main Street by Newman."
"Yes, ma'am."

          I got into the carriage and then the coachman drove the carriage to the flower shop. After a few minutes we arrived. I wasn't paying attention to how long it took us to get there.

After the coachman stopped the carriage. He jumped down from where he was sitting. The coachman opened the door for me and reached out his hand to help me get out of the carriage, "Stay near, I'm going to be needing you. I have a lot to bring back to my house."
"Yes, ma'am."

         I walked to the flower shop, a smiling girl outside selling flowers to strangers in front of the shop. I shook my head when she started to walk closer to me.

         I walked inside, and I saw a lady, slightly older than the girl outside. She looks like she would be the girl outside older sister or even her mother.

I accidentally killed my husband and I liked it (completed)Where stories live. Discover now