Afternoon Tea (The end)

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Afternoon Tea

       I walked back to the table, and sat down. I wanted to make sure they were stone-cold dead. No life in their bodies anymore. Not a chance for one of them to get an employee's attention and anyone to get help.

      I walked over to each one of my "so-called" friends and took whatever money they had on them. The amount they all together had on them was enough to cover the rest of the bill and more.

        I put the rest of the money that I owed on the bill and grabbed my things, then walked out of the room. As I walked out of the room and through the hallway and stairs. I made sure to keep my head down and quickly run out of the hotel.


        I quickly made my way to the train station. The last train for the night that was going my direction, back to my house. I still kept my head down.

       After getting my ticket for the train, I climbed onto the train. I walked to my section of the train. I sat down in my seat.


         After an hour on the train, I noticed the men across from me staring at the hem of my dress. The man looked like the blood from his face was gone. Dead eyes and just staring at me.

"Are you okay?" Look at the hem of my dress then back at me, "Are you hurt somewhere?"


       I quickly got up from my seat and moved to a different seat. I looked over my shoulder, the man looked like he had a small note pad, and he was writing with a pencil.


       After getting off the train, it still seemed like that man was following me home. I was scared, so I ran home. I didn't have enough for a carriage.

       The next day, I could help but wonder what that man wanted. I pushed that out of my thoughts, and got up from my bed. Then I walked over to my desk in my room, and grabbed paper and something to write with.


       It took days, but I finally got my dear old "friend" Miss Stella Sunningdale. To write back to meet up somewhere. She finally agreed to have tea at the nearest shop on Tuesday.


       The day of the meeting, I made sure to bring a perfume bottle of the poison. The perfume bottle has the poison in oil form and mixed with water.

       Since the night of the dinner party. I've had the police come to my door asking what happened. Along with the newspaper asking me what happened at the hotel. Also, what happened to my parents in law. The police and newspaper didn't have enough evidence to arrest me at that time. Only enough to question me.


       Arriving at the tea shop, I looked around the shop, Stella wasn't there yet. You could always see Stella from everyone in the room. Sure always wore bright yellow to match her curly blonde hair.

        Someone sat me down at a table for two people. I "accidentally" tripped over and spilled the poison onto her side of the table.

I was helped up, "I'm sorry, I guess my perfume oil spilled."
"We'll have someone to clean that up for you."

I waved my hands, "No. No. I made a mess. I'll clean it up."

         My gloves protected me from the poison. I clean most of it up. From what you can see. Not all of it. The rest has leaked through into napkin, silverware.

       I sat down across from where I wanted her to sit down. The table was set with the most delicate porcelain tea cups, and I waited for my old friend to arrive.

        A short while later, as she enters the room, I can sense her anger and frustration. She doesn't even bother to sit down, she just starts yelling at me. "Why did you kill them?I know it was you." she demands. Only a few people in the shop hear her. They looked at us, then back at what they were doing. Not raising any eyebrows or attention on what she just said.

"Shsh.... Sit down."

       She slowly sat down, she begs me to confess to killing her old friends and to tell her where my husband is.

      As we sit down to enjoy our tea, I can sense that she is nervous. She fidgets with her cup and avoids my gaze.

"Yes. I did."

         I take a sip of my tea and try to remain calm. I finally admit it, I know this conversation is going to be difficult, but I need to tell her the truth.

My old friend looks surprised, but she doesn't say anything for a long time. Finally, she speaks. "Sam's parents?" she asks.

"Dead." Smiles.
"You don't look guilty at all."

         My old friend sits across from me, her eyes pained as she asks what she just did. We've known each other since we were children, and I always thought she was the most beautiful girl in the world. I always thought Nathan and her were going to marry one day. But now, her eyes are full of sorrow and anger, hatred, and despair, many different expressions at once.

"You are responsible for their murders, and you need to atone for your sins." She spat.
"What about your sins?" I asked.
"Mine?" She questioned.

"Adultery. Is one of them." I paused to look at her emotionless face. "I know about you and my husband."
She smiled, "Finally." Slipping her tea, "He loves me."

"Loved." I smirked.
Her smile dropped, and she put down her tea cup.

"I meant it as a gift."
"A gift?"

She held her hands to her mouth when she started to cough up blood.

"To know that he's already dead. That soon you'll be together again in the afterlife."


          After the death of my friend Stella. The police had all the evidence they needed to prove that I was the killer. They still couldn't prove how I killed her or them. They still couldn't figure out where the bodies of my dead husband and parents in law were. That's a secret that I will never tell. One secret that I will take to my grave.

         Sitting in my jail cell, the man from the train asked to speak with me. Only a small little window that I could see him. He didn't want to be in the same room with me because he didn't know how I killed them, he didn't want to take that chance.

"I want to know why you killed them."
"Because I snapped."

"I was pregnant again, early into the pregnancy, only 2 months." I paused. "He beat me again to lose the baby. The only thing I ever wanted. He could've just left me alone with the child. I would've been happy. He didn't want that." I cried.

The man kept quiet and listened to what I had to say.

"I lost it. He took it away from me. The baby and my chance."
"Your chance?"

"The doctor came that night, and he said I can't have any more babies."
"You are a cold, calculating killer..."

I cut him off, "I wasn't always."
"All those people were innocent. You are responsible for their deaths."

"They weren't innocent."
He shook his head, "We are not going to agree." He signed. "Can you please tell me where their bodies are?"

I stayed quiet for some time, "That secret will stay with me. They deserve to rot where they lay."

The End

I accidentally killed my husband and I liked it (completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें