Poison For Dinner (Part 4)

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Day of the Dinner Party

      I woke up and quickly got ready. I took out my new dress out of the box and put my new dress on. Then I walked over to my dresser and did my hair and make up. I made sure my makeup was perfect.

       I wanted everything to be perfect. My so-called friends weren't going to get off easy.

      How can you act like nothing's wrong when you know someone is in pain. I was in pain for years. They saw the bruises, pain, lies, and they chose to look the other way. To choose my dearly departed husband's side.

So they chose to have Poison for Dinner.

       After getting ready, I went down the hallway and down the stairs and went to my front porch. The newspaper was next to the door. I grabbed it and went back inside.

      I put the newspaper down on the kitchen table and grabbed the big glass jar, then swirled it. I couldn't see that the powder mixed with the oil. You can't see the powder anymore. It did exactly what I wanted it to do.

      Now I can use the oil for tonight as well, and the powder. I put the big glass jar down on the table and walked over to where we keep the box of glass recyclables.

     I could always find ways to reuse glass bottles, jars, etc. I pulled out an old small bottle of perfume from the box. Perfect for the oil to go in.


      I walked over to the table with the empty glass perfume bottle and then grabbed the strainer next to the kitchen sink. Then I sat down at the table.

       I put the empty glass perfume bottle, made sure it was in front of me, then I grabbed the jar with the powder and oil in it and then grabbed the strainer. I emptied the jar with the powder and oil in the strainer into the empty glass perfume bottle.

        The liquid in the glass perfume bottle was perfect. Exactly how I wanted it to be. Just slightly smelling it makes me want to throw up.

      So I quickly put the top on the jar. Making sure it was tightly secured. Then I got up and washed my hands in the kitchen sink. I made myself some orange juice. I don't think I can eat anything today, since I am so nervous.

   I sat down at the table again with my cup of orange juice, and opened the newspaper. I read the second page of the newspaper. Everyone reads the second page for the gossip, and the gossip about the people in society. This time they had the missing people instead of the gossip column.


   Neighbors are suspicious about Mr & Mrs. North's disappearance. Any information, please contact the police.

       I laughed to myself. They will never find their bodies. They deserve to rot where they lay.


       After finishing my cup of orange juice, I noticed the clock in the kitchen. I quickly got up from the kitchen table and grabbed the perfume bottle.

      I walked into the hallway, then walked into the front room, then I grabbed my change purse with my money in it. Then I put the perfume bottle in my change purse, and I almost forgot to grab the rest of the powder I did last night.

         I quickly ran into the kitchen, grabbing the rest of the powder. I put the powder in another empty container. Small enough where I put it in my change purse with the perfume bottle.

I accidentally killed my husband and I liked it (completed)Where stories live. Discover now