Family Ties

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         It's been a month since I accidentally killed Sam. I have been drinking tea in the garden every day since then. Just to admire what I have done. The garden has never looked more beautiful than now. I was right, his body has been a wonderful nourishment for my garden.

         Now that I'm thinking about it, if I wasn't so much in a hurry to hide his body; I could've cut him up into pieces, and buried him all over the garden. Spreading the love, and not just in one place.

       While I was in my garden, some leaves had fallen off. Now I have some of the leaves of the Aconitum saved in my kitchen. You never know who I might need it for.


        No one so far has looked for Sam. I have received a few short letters from his parents, nothing to be worried about. One from his mistress, but it felt nice to burn his letters. In her letter, she confesses her love for him, and she wants him to meet her. Now the one thing that he can love now is dirt and knowing that no one will ever find his body.

        It's been amazing or should I say, exhilarating, not having him in my life. For once in my life, I can breathe. I can do what I want, and I can go anywhere I want. Much more I can do. Especially without him or his approval. He controlled everything. Now he can't control me any longer.


       I prop the door open, so the cool air can get into the house. Drinking tea alone in the garden when I heard the bells for the front door of the house. I put my teacup on the table, and walked inside the door into the house, then walked to the front door.

       I opened the door and I couldn't believe what I saw was Sam's parents. They never visited our home before. We always met them somewhere or came over to their house.

"Mr. and Mrs. North, what brings you here?"

         I faked a smile. I never liked his parents. His parents never liked me. They only liked my parents' money and what I could do for their son. With my parents' money, Sam got a title and wealth. His parents received a large amount of money from my parents after we were married to sweeten the deal.

"Where is my son?" She said with a cold stare and staring down at me.

I dropped my fake smile, "I don't know where he went. I believe he ran away with one of his mistresses."

         Mr and Mrs. North, pushed me out of the way to get through the door, and into the living room. Mr. North shut the door behind him. Mrs. North, scanned the room with her eyes.

"You have really let this place go. Hasn't my son given you any money to fix it up?"
"No, he hasn't. All our money he has gambled on or given to one of his whores."

        Mrs. North smacked the right side of my cheeks. I held my cheek, then rubbed it to lessen the pain.

"I won't let you speak about my son in that way!"
Mr. North spoke up, and put his hand on Mrs. North's shoulder, "Enough of that, she is upset if what she said is true. That our son has run away with one of his girls." He turned his head to me, "Penelope, can you get us something to drink while we talk."

I kept looking down, gritting my teeth, "You can sit in the garden while I make you some tea."

       I faked a smile while they walked out of the house and into the garden. Then I walked into the kitchen to make them my special tea for them. I know exactly what tea to serve them.

       Sam was a mommy's boy since the day I married him. Mrs. North and Sam were very close. Now they can be close to each other in death. Both of his parents knew everything that he has done to me. Even his father would go to the gentleman's club to have a girl for the night and a cigar while chatting with Sam. Then Sam would come home and laugh about what he's father said. "He thinks I should send you to the convent, then you can become a nun." Thankfully, after Sam slept it off, he did not do that. Every time they went to the club, he would come back and tell me everything.


        I quickly put the leaves of the Aconitum in the pestle and started to grid the leaves. After the leaves were grid enough, I put them into the kettle and mixed them with rose and lavender tea.

      After a few minutes of letting the tea boil, I put everything I need to serve in tea with me on a metal tray. The tea, sugar, and cups, spoons, and a few sugar cookies on the tray.

      The back door was still propped open when I opened it earlier. I held the metal tray with everything on it, and Mrs. North looked me up and down with her nose in the air.

"It took you long enough."

"Thank you, Penelope, for the tea."
"I mixed the tea with something, It's delicious. it's to die for." I said it in a laughing manner while smiling.

        I put the metal tray down on the table. Taking everything off the metal tray and serving the tea. I quickly walked into the kitchen to put down the metal tray. Then I walked back out to find Mr. and Mrs. North drinking their tea and eating cookies.

"Why do you need to speak with Sam about?"

"Ohh really."

           I'll make sure to remove them from our finances. Once the poisonous plant leaves get into their bodies, I dispose of their bodies.

"Yes. We don't need to discuss it with you. Only Sam."
"Okay." I paused, "How is your tea? Do you like the taste?"

"It's okay."

       Mrs. North stared down at her teacup. Then her nose started to bleed. Then Mr. North's eyes started to drip down with blood.

       Mrs. North started to scream when she turned to her husband. Then she started to cough up blood.

"What did you do?" Said Mrs. North.

"Should you be asking what happened to your son?"

Mrs. North coughed up more blood, "Where is my son?"
"He's in the garden. Isn't it beautiful?"

         Mr. North started coughing up blood, "Sam!" He could see with the blood coming from his eye.

"He's in the dirt."

       I smirked. I love seeing them helpless like they made me feel. They made me feel helpless every time they saw a bruise and did nothing about it.

       Mrs. North looked at the new dirt I have covering the plants. Then, while coughing, she started to dig the dirt with her hands.

Mr. North fell to his knees, "My son!"

      Mr. North crawled over to where his wife was and started to help her dig the dirt. Before they could get to his body and mess up the dirt, Mr. and Mrs. North died from the poisonous tea leaves from the Aconitum.

I couldn't help but laugh, "You drank the poisonous tea and when you were digging you touched the plant."

        Now both of them are dead with their son. Now I have to dispose of their bodies too.

I accidentally killed my husband and I liked it (completed)Where stories live. Discover now