Poison For Dinner (Part 1)

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         I laughed so hard my stomach hurt. My stomach started to cramp. I needed to rest till it was night to do away with their bodies. Now I have to bury not one but two.

        I slipped on my tea and looked around my garden to figure out exactly what I wanted to do. I could cut them up and bury them like I did Sam? Or I could burn them?

"No..no if I were to burn them. That would smell."

      How they treated me, they don't deserve to be found. If they are buried in my garden, then I can take what happened to them to my grave.


       I went through Mr. North's wallet, he had some money with him. After my tea was done, I went into the kitchen and wrote the flower shop a list of things I needed. More of the Aconitum, and plenty of bags of soil.

         I put his wallet on the bench next to the front door and I walked out of my house and I saw a small boy walking.

"Hey, you!"
The boy pointed at himself, then looked around.

"Yes you. Come here."

        The small boy, probably aged ten or eleven. With scruffy hair and dirty clothes, walked closer to me. He looks like one of the boys that passes out the newspaper.

"Can you deliver this to the flower shop?" I handed him the list.

        The boy nodded, and I handed him a bit of money I had in the pocket of my dress. The boy smiled up at me and walked off.

       I always keep a hidden pocket of money, just in case I ever needed it. Sam never knew. He didn't have the brains to think that I might hide money on me. Since he always went through my things. He never thought to look inside my clothes. I would spend some of my time sewing in pockets on the inside of the dresses or skirts. Sam never did any of the washing, so he never found any of my loose change.


      I sat down in front of my house, a wooden bench in front of the large tree. I looked around and waited for the boys from the flower shop to deliver the things I asked for.


          A little later, the boys from the flower shop arrive at my house. Perfect timing because my back and butt were starting to hurt because of sitting down for so long. The boys had a small wooden wagon with them with all the things I asked for.

        I walked into the house and grabbed Mr. North's wallets. It had the money that I needed. I was going to put the things I bought on the charge account.

         Thankfully, Mr. North had enough on him in his wallet. I haven't checked to see if Mrs. North that has anything in her purse, I'm going to have to do that later. I don't think of it as stealing, I think of it as compensation for pain and suffering.


         I moved my things that the boys dropped off to the backyard. When I was done moving everything. The sun already went down. I went back into my kitchen and found a handful of candles. I walked to the backyard and placed them where I needed to see. Not much lighting, but I don't need a neighbor to see what I am doing in my backyard. Then I would have to kill them too.

         I walked back into my kitchen, I put out the butchering knives that my family gave to Sam and I for Christmas. Sam wanted me to throw them away after we got them, but I hid them in the kitchen. I should've used them on him a long time ago.

         My mom's side made their wealth from butchering animals. I never liked it and I was never really around my mom's side of the family. Maybe once or twice growing up. I do remember my grandfather butchering a pig when I was 3 or 4. I had nightmares after that for quite a while, according to my mother. I grabbed my butchering knives and walked back outside.


          It took me hours, but I butcher both of them, Mr. North and Mrs. North. Now I am bloody from head to toe. I cut their bodies into pieces. Some people would be disgusted by the amount of blood that came out of their bodies or what I was doing. It didn't bother me at all. I loved seeing their bodies covered in blood.

       I dig medium and large size holes in the ground in the garden. Just big enough to put their body parts in the ground, with enough space to put the Aconitum plant on top of their body parts, then cover it up with soil.

I accidentally killed my husband and I liked it (completed)Where stories live. Discover now