A Furry Story

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  • Dedicated to Anyone who believes in change


Do you ever have those moments in your life where everything seems to be so weird and you think, “What the hell, this isn’t what I signed up for”? It feels like you’re doing the right thing but it ended up worse than what you are expecting it to be?

I have.

And let me tell you, I regretted it.

But what if destiny had something in store for you? What if destiny offers you something that you yourself cannot imagine things that can fall into your possession?

But that’s exactly what it did to me. It gave me various obstacles that me myself didn’t think I would pass but I did. This, my friends, is the story of how I embark a crazy journey transforming from a scaredy cat (pun definitely intended), to a person who is strong as an elephant and dinosaur rolled into one.

So, mind joining me?

I hope so.

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