Chapter 3 - It's A Jungle Out There

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Heeey, welcome to the third part of A Furry Story! Happy Heart's Day <3


Do you know the phrase; it’s a jungle out there? Well, that saying is so relevant to high school. Everyone here has their respective niches. They may be the producers, consumers, or decomposers, and the food chains are clearly visible. I honestly don’t know where I belong in.

I would love to be on top of the food chain, but of course, Stephanie and her posse already has that position. And I would also like to be in the bottom of the food chain, mainly because people who are social misfits are actually the people who have something to say. They are the kind of people who contains a gem inside of them.

They are the ones with a bright future, and they are the ones that always succeed. So I can only imagine the future of Jenny Lamington, the, let’s say, not the smartest one in the batch. Ten years from now, would she be flirting at customers while working for the world-renowned food chain, McDonald’s? Or would she be a successful doctor? It seems that the only thing she knows about the human body is the fact that her blood is red so let us cross that option out.

“Allison, can’t you just look at him for just a sec?!” My obsessive friend, Emily shouted at my ear as I try to re-evaluate my life and trying not to think about the fact that after our classes it is already time to visit one place that I would never go to even if Zac Efron turned up outside my door and ask me to marry him then and there.

Emily is probably ranting about the oh-so-infamous Damien Johnson again. She has this really weird crush on Damien ever since and if I didn’t know that she had a boyfriend, (who happens to be equally hot as Damien), I would have assumed that she was going ape man crazy on the dude.

You see, Damien Johnson is like, well, the cream of the crop out of the males in McHale High. He has the looks, the wits, and the smarts. He’s like your average dream guy wrapped into one sweet gift.

He’s like prince charming in Rapunzel except for the fact that he is smart enough to not climb Rapunzel’s hair like a freaking monkey and instead, bring a long ladder for him to climb on. I mean seriously, that wouldn’t be a great story to tell your children. I’m serious. You’re going to be all like,

“You know, as I was climbing the tower, relying on your mother’s hair on my 160 kg body, I realized that…I fell in love.” That is just too weird for everyone so let’s just not go there.

 But I do have to admit, I might have had a crush on him before but it ceases to exist at this particular moment, only because of the reason that I realized he isn't really attainable. Or reachable. Which is basically the same thing but you get the point.

And I don’t like the way he always treats girls. He treats us like toys and he thinks we can be replaced easily. I’m not saying that he’s such a jerk to the girls, because he is such a gentleman and such a genuine person.     

But because of that reason, girls flock all over him and without their knowing, they get squeezed in to what I call, the ‘Damien Trap’.

Once you fall into the Damien Trap, you can barely get out. Based on my research, there is a 99.9% chance that Damien dates you, gets tired of you, and then dumps you. It’s a never ending cycle of agonizing pain and heartbreak that I have witnessed so I am avoiding that trap as soon as possible.

I don’t know what it accomplishes to be honest; breaking those girls’ hearts. Does he feel good breaking those hearts? Or does he make a habit out of it?

It had been a few days since I went back to school after my one week suspension due to the unlikely scenario with Stephanie.

And as I was expecting, it made a buzz inside the school. I was apparently named the hero of the year for standing up to Stephanie, which is completely lame. I got featured on the school newspaper though, which is great for my resume…I guess.

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