Chapter 5 - Bumps Along The Road

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Heeey guys, sorry for the late update. It's still a Friday in some parts of the world, right? (: This is honestly a boring chapter for me but I promise that the next one will definitely be more exciting! ;)


“I don’t think that I agree with that theory.” Emily said. I almost laughed because of her stubbornness.  

 We were on the phone discussing our homework and I laughed my butt off every time she says something sarcastic about it.

“So you’re saying that the average speed of Maria is fifty meters per second? Come on Allison, you know that that’s physically impossible!” She reasoned.

“Either that, or she is a human cheetah. Which would be really weird, but that’s the speed, Emily.” I said, trying to contradict her sentence. I can almost hear her frown on the other line.

“Eh,” She groaned. “I still think it’s pretty stupid.” She clucked her tongue and her voice turned cheery, changing the topic in the process.

“Anyway, how’s the thing with the community service? Have you adjusted to Kingdom Animalia yet?”

I chuckled. “I don’t think I’m ever going to get used to animals, Emily; and you out of all people should know that.”

“I do know. I was just crossing my fingers, hoping for a miracle.” I rolled my eyes and chuckled – again. “So, how was your first day at McHale Animal Shelter?”

I crossed my legs and juggled the phone between my ear and my shoulder.

“It’s going alright…I met this girl named Bree and she seemed pretty nice.” I uncrossed them because the position seemed awkward.

“She also said that the real work starts tomorrow so I guess I have to expect some stuff tomorrow.”

I looked around the living room and saw that mom was already there. I just looked the other direction and tried to ignore her as soon as possible.

You know, I’ve always had this little game since I was young. I always promised to myself that whenever she (my mom) comes home, I would ignore her and wait if she’s going to do something to approach me first.

And if she approaches first, then I would have three points. I even made a stupid score board for that. (Which is basically a pad paper with two columns on it but let us not talk about that.)

But, the saddest thing about this is that I always lose.

I made an excuse to hang up on Emily, but she knows me too well to know that my mom was here and that I was playing the stupid game, even up to now.

And my theories came true.

I lost…again.


Damien sat down on a stool and he swore he wanted to just explode like a volcano but he couldn’t because he knew that he was in a public place.

Even though the only people who hang out in Jerry’s Coffee Shop are fifty plus year olds and hipsters, it doesn’t mean he still had the right to lose himself publicly especially after he trimmed and maintained his cool reputation among his peers.

He can feel the long stares of people around him. He always loved the attention; every bit of it. He loved the way they always somehow seem to adore him and people swoon over him when he smiles and shows off those dimples.

Ironically, he doesn’t get disturbed when someone stalks him, or pops out of nowhere, just to say I love you. Nor is he sad that he had secret admirers everywhere and the girls actually make a move towards him and not the other way around.

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