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On Sunday I watched him stride into my room, cockily grinning at my discomfort.

A loud knock at my door awoke me, hypnagogic hallucinations and the half awake half asleep phase kicked in. I just fisted at my grey sheets while I attempted to fall back into my peaceful slumber again while managing to mumble "for fuck sake, come in" expecting my mother to barge inside with the mop and bucket.

I was surprised when my bed dipped down at the end, my trail of thought was now that my father had come to wake me up by telling me something cute, like usual. But father never spoke, nor did he try to wake me further, so (dealing with the pain of opening my eyes to the blinding light that flooded my room) I managed to stir into some form of consciousness, squinting until the figure that sat beside me became clear.

I shifted backwards in shock, my arms taking me further away from Harry who sat so cockily at the edge of my bed. My arms wobbled and wobbled until I reached the edge of the bed where I tragically fell flat on my hardwood floor- my head banging on my nightstand while deep chuckles erupted around me.

"Shit, are you okay LouLou?" Harry fell in a fit of guffaw, his head swinging over the edge of the bed while he looked at me in grotesque humour- his lips curved into a huge grin while his eyes were surround with smile lines.

"I-I'm fine." I struggled to push myself back up with my duvet entangling my entire body- but I did it eventually. I brushed off anything that could have clung to my blue tartan shorts, even though nothing unusual was stuck to them. "Why are you here?" I asked quietly.

"Ha, you making it sound like it's a bad thing." He chuckled, laying almost seductivly on my bed with my satin sheets laying perfectly straight beneath him. It was really him. I didn't give myself enough time to evaluate my situation- I'm in a room... Alone... With the love of my life laying on my bed. Would have been perfect but it just was not.

"I-I'm sorry if I-I offended you." I was quick to retreat.

"Yeah, I can handle it." He fake pouted.

"But seriously, W-Why are you here?" I scratched my head, fiddling with the hem of my see threw white vest, trying hard to cover my boobs while I wasn't wearing a bra.

"Our parents are down stairs hosting a gathering, they sent me up here to talk to you." He shrugged retrieving a mint from his pocket. "Want one?" He held out an unwrapped mint to my face.

"How long has it been in your pocket?" I asked, he merely shrugged. "No thanks." I sat on the bed beside him, the pair of us breathing the same air, in the closest proximity possible. This would have been almost unfathomable last week, now it's genuinely happening.

"So, I never got to introduce myself." He said in a quiet raspy voice.

"If you don't mind, I'd rather you introduce yourself when I'm dressed and my hair is a tad more presentable." I slithered out of my bed and took a random hanger from my dresser, which I took to the bathroom and changed into. Tight black jeans and a baggy jumper- I could've looked better, especially as I was actually hanging out with Harry, but it was such an unrealistic situation, I didn't even think about myself I just thought about Harry actually laying in my bed.

I brushed out my bed hair as fast I possibly could- pumping it up to look purposefully messy. I sped to apply foundation and mascara- not having enough time to pencil my eyebrows or do a winged eyeliner- even though I tended to be reasonably shit at applying it anyway.

I walked back into my room, stopping at the door to see Harry laying there, patiently waiting for me. I couldn't have been more careless about the moment- I should have cherished it more. It could have been the only time I'd ever see Harry this way.

He crawled out of his position on the bed and walked over to me, while I was still stood in utter shock against my doorframe.

"Hi, my name is Harry Styles, my friend Hardin would bang you until you bleed." He smiled, opening out his hand for me to shake. His long fingers, bulging veins, the hands that I studied for so long were reached out for me to touch. Carefully, I placed my petit hand in his, squeezing and shaking with absolute giddiness. "I-I'm LouLou and your friend Hardin is o-okay I guess." I said in monotone as I stared at the touches we were sharing. Harry chuckled and pulled away all too quickly, jumping back onto my bed with a grunt. I stayed put though, the feeling of Harry's hand on mine feeling so unreal.

"Louisa, Harry, come down here for lunch!" My mother yelled overly politely, I rolled my eyes and gestured for Harry to follow me on the long trek downstairs into the dinning room.

Opposite to normal, the whole room was overly ornate, balloons and bunting covering the walls. The table decorated with a white silk cloth and ruby red napkins, each plate in the middle of several unneeded cutleries. Harry and I stood at the door, not knowing what to do or where to sit since the whole room was full of sophisticated middle aged rich yucks. Me and Harry looked each other up and down, both of us wearing tight black jeans and comfy jumpers.

"We're underdressed." I pointed out laughing at the sight of Harry's uncomfortable grin.

"Shit, my mothers going to go mad." He stifled a giggle.

"Yeah, same." I said awkwardly, watching both of our mothers approach us with angry, red faces.

"Harry, you embarrassment. Go home and get your tux you stupid, stupid boy. If you don't go get changed now, then there will be friends over all week!" His mother prodded his arms, a look of disgust plastered on her pale face.

My mother brushed off her pale pink ball gown, which was overly puffy and formal. "I bought you a lovely navy silk gown just yesterday sweetiekins, jeans make you look fat." She insisted, both me and Harry huffed and turned away, ignoring our mothers but secretly knowing we'd do as they say.

"You wiggled out of that one so easily, she didn't even have a go at you." Harry sighed while I took him to the front door.

"Being called fat is not nice." I smiled sadly.

"You're not fat." Harry smiled. "I'll see you in a few minutes, impress me." He winked, sliding out of the front door.

I remember nausea filling me to the brim once I let him leave. I'd made it. I'd done it. I'd befriended Harry- the love of my life.

Immoral Innocence {H.S}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora