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On Friday I watched him play kinky hide and seek with Ellen

It would have been a hot sight if I knew I wasn't so close to becoming something to him. I was so close that I could have swapped positions with Ellen and be chasing Harry around his room while he clutched my panties in his mouth, that's why I was so upset with myself.

I bet he knew I was watching, like he purposely wanted me to be oozing jealously. He got what he wanted, I was furious.

I sat on my bed, puffy cheeked and red eyed- the sight from my window utterly disgraceful.

The worst thing was that I could do nothing in return. Nothing would make Harry jealous as he obviously didn't give fucks about me. I could hook up with multiple men in front of him and he'd go unbothered, he wouldn't even find it hot. Of course, he even admitted that the kiss we shared meant nothing to him.

Nothing made him jealous when it came to me! Apart from when I sided with Hardin.


Harry wouldn't get jealous if I hooked up with Hardin, he would probably congratulate him even though they were virtually enemies. But I could side with him, just like Ellen was siding with Harry.

I jumped up, pulling black jeans and a blouse from my dresser and changing quickly. I left the make up I had on, which was presentable enough, And almost as quickly as the thought popped to mind, I left the house to see Hardin.

I hurried down the street, hoping no one was at my house to hear me leave, as I was a grounded mother fucker, and I made it quicker then expected.

His house, from what I could see, was a lot nicer then mine. The exterior was exquisite and very modern, much like my old house, but it looked smaller, and the cars parked outside didn't look as nice as my fathers Rolls Royce either.

I had no time to fathom my thoughts as I approached the doorstep, my hand grazing the door when I knocked twice.

Within seconds Hardin was in front of me, a smug grin on his face.

"You came." He said proudly. I nodded, standing awkwardly still at the doorstep. "Mustafa's not here yet, the girls are though." Hardin said.

"W-well, um, are you gonna invite me in or-"

"Yeah course, come on, come." He said enthusiastically, using his hands so gesticulatively. So I entered, following his lead.

"Peaches, Flux. LouLou's here." Hardin announced and soon I had two fierce teenaged girls clung to my body in a tight hug.

"Hi girls." I giggled.

"Vodka?" Peaches asked handing me a recognisable red cup.

"I'd love it, maybe in something less clichè? A glass maybe?" I chuckled clutching the cup in my hands while Peaches and Flux gave me unnecessary eye rolls.

We made our way to the lounge where we sat in a complicated circle, only for it to be interrupted by Mustafa when he arrived, but he slid in smoothly and soon the ring was a thriving success on the pale grey carpet. We all had different coloured drinks in our hands and there were others inside of the ring.

"LouLou, your going to suck ass at this game." Flux announced.

"W-What why?" I panicked.

"Because, you don't know any of us well enough." She said.

"Your going to be shitfaced drunk at the end of the night." Mustafa pointed out.

"Oh, no, I've gotta go home after this so..."

Immoral Innocence {H.S}Where stories live. Discover now