"Im going to miss you sweetheart". 31.

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It wasn't long until that week flew by, surprisingly. I never wanted it to come but I guess it had to eventually. Anyway, the quicker he leaves the sooner he'd come back. At this point he was set to spend four mouths out at sea with Rueben as a marine. Although, I was of course, worried that he'd never come back.

I hadn't spoken to Harry still, nor Hardin. I hadn't really spoken to anyone besides father. The note I'd written Harry still laid at the bottom of my bed but I hadn't had to chance to show Harry any of it. I missed him. Even a short period without him was a nightmare not worth living. How did I even live a whole seventeen years not being his?

I wanted to know what father had told the boys so desperately but father was adamant that it was nothing to worry about for the time being. I knew father, out of everything he was, he was not a liar.

I had so much on my mind that everything was merely a blur, I slept longer, stayed in more and ate less. I couldn't blame anyone but myself, I must have done something wrong to drive everyone away.

The house was empty of all its goods, most of it sold and some of it repossessed for late mortgage payments. Everything was disappearing.

Yonderly, I strolled downstairs. Dim light shining on the duffle bag that father had left by the door. That's all he had now, after this, a bag and a ticket to death.

"Dad?" I called and slowly I saw him walk into the hallway from the lounge. He gave me a soft insincere smile and stopped in his tracks. I looked at him, the thought of him leaving still not so realistic in my head. He's the only person that cared. He is the only person that knew me. Now he was leaving me. I didn't want my everything to leave me.

I ran over to him and launched my body onto his, wrapping my legs around his torso. I couldn't of hugged him any tighter.

"It's like leaving a best friend." I sobbed into his shoulder, staining his t-shirt as I usually did.

"I know sweetie I know." He said, his voice trembling. He was trying to hold it back for me.

"You always told me it was okay to cry." I said pulling my face away from his neck to look him straight in the eyes. They were glossy and his lip was quivering.

"Not today, not me. I have to be strong." He nodded and swallowed away the tears that were begging to pour.

"You don't have to be anything but yourself for me paps." I smiled tearily, using my hand to cup his cheeks. He still had his charming smile plastered on his face but a small tear escaped his red coated eyes. "It's okay." I reassured him and he buried his head in my shoulder now, sobbing as quietly as he could.

It hurt me. I felt like I'd failed myself. I should have convinced him to stay, I could have done more and now it was too late.

"I love you." He whispered into my shoulder, shuddering and hiccuping.

"Paps, I love you more then you could ever imagine."

"I'm going to miss you sweetheart."

"Don't have too much fun over there. Shoot some Nazi's for me."

"My beautiful daughter." He slowly placed me on the floor. "Never let anyone hold you down. Flourish into a superstar. Do want you feel is right. Do me proud yeah?"

"Of course." I whimpered. He strolled out to the doorway picking up his duffle bag.

"I'll be home before you know it baby girl."

"I hope so daddy."

Father turned the door knob and walked away with a wink and a smile.

"I love you." I called out one last time. There was no response for a second until he popped his head threw the door one last time.

"I love you more princess." He grinned, leaving for the last time.

Mother crept up behind me and placed a hand on my shoulder. I held back the tears, trying to convince myself that this would be over soon enough.

"We'll manage baby. I know I'm not what you want. I've never been a good mother, but I'm trying. For you." She smiled. She was right, I didn't want her. I never really had. Harshly enough, she was never the ideal mother. Father was my rock, she was a pest. But she's all I had left now. I had to live with it, and if she was a changed women then I didn't mind giving her another chance to prove it.

I still missed dad though. There was an empty void inside of me that mother could never fill.

Immoral Innocence {H.S}Where stories live. Discover now