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'Gwen!" You yelled across the parking lot, running to meet your friend,
"Y/n!" She screamed out, engulfing you in her warm embrace, you studied her face, she'd only told you a few days ago that her and Peter had a mutual and according to her decently attractive, single friend so her being her told him you were single and set up a blind date, "You look amazing!" She gasped looking you up and down, your dress fitting tightly around your bust and hips, flowing slightly around your thighs before ending at your knees, paired with heels and soft makeup you're probably the hottest person at the bar, "thanks, Gwen" you smiled at her,
"Come on we've gotta find you and me a table for two" she dragged you inside
"What? You aren't sitting with me?" You questioned, you thought youd be with her, Peter and their friend Harry who'd they'd paired you up with, "hmmm" she hummed obviously satisfied with herself, she knew you hadn't gone out with anyone since you dated flash Thompson in freshman year, and now, freshly graduated Gwen thought you needed a gentle nudge into New York City's dating scene, "over here" she dragged you, sitting you next to a window before walking over about ten tables and sitting alone waiting for Peter, she pulled a face and gave you over enthusiastic thumbs up and pointing to the door, there stood Peter all fancied up in black trousers and a button up, and next to him, a slightly shorter, dirty blonde man, probably nineteen or twenty, maybe even twenty one, in a fancy ass suit, Gwen texted you,
Gwen :p
Stop checking him out XD
Jesus, was it that obvious? good Timing with that as Peter had just pointed Harry over to you, they made their way to your table, "wait- Peter, it's a table for 2 theres four of-"
"Have fun buddy" and with that you looked up,
"Hi, Harry right?" You smiled up at him, he froze for a second, mouth ajar,
"Y/n?" He asked almost stunned,
"Uh yeah, are you okay?" You asked him, gently placing your hand over his and motioning for him to sit, "Yeah, Peter said you were pretty, I'm just shocked, it was a massive fucking understatement" he laughed, you felt your cheeks heat up a bit, he was really pretty, and charming,
"Thank you, you're pretty fucking hot yourself" you smiled at him, his eyes were like crystals and even sitting down he was probably four or five inches taller than you, "I'm sorry but did you know about-"
"The split up? Nope Gwen told me when we walked in the door," you cut him off,
"Mhm, oh we should probably order," Harry offered you a menu, you took it happily and felt his hand brush against yours, 'nice hands' you thought, 'compliment him' you thought again, "You have nice hands Harry," you started not looking up from your menu, he looked at you, face flushed slightly pink, "I think I'll get the garden salad" you finished, looking back at him finally, smiling, "hm, I might get the crowd favourite, how old are you by the way, y/n" he inquired,
"Nineteen, and you Harry?" You responded taking a small sip from your water,
"Twenty dear, looks like we're not getting drunk tonight" he smiled at you, you laughed at his remark, "you could pass for twenty one, you should go try and scam us drinks while I order for us" you joked,
"It's a bet doll, if i can't get us drinks, I'll pay for both of our meals," Harry started
"And if you can?" You smugly smiled,
"If I can, you have to give me your number," he slyly joked,
"Hm, why not, get me a champagne hotshot" you replied, taking your menus to the front to order your meals as Harry confidently walked over to the bar, he turned around to face you, and winked before turning back to the bar tender.
You walked back to your table and texted gwen, we texted back and forth for a minute before Harry returned to your table, two champagnes in hand, "better give me your number angel" he smirked, you smiled back at him as he sat down again, "Give me your phone y/n" he smiled, you handed him it and he input his details,
Harry ;)
Then he gave you his, allowing you to put in your number, "I wanna write in your name though" he peered over at the screen, excitedly having a small sip of his drink, handing him back his phone to add whatever he wanted for your name,

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