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You sat at the table, a long, bodycon black dress hugged your figure as you sipped on a mocktail, your elegant looking self drawing attention from everyone who walked into the restaurant, hundreds of eyes on you, as you drank at flavoured soda, no one in the entire place the wiser, "hello my darling" Harry smiled as he approached your table in the middle of the rich looking bar, "Hello handsome" you let out a slight laugh as he kissed your hand, sitting across from you, taking in your beauty, "I've got to say, I haven't even eaten and this is the best birthday ever" he took a sip from the scotch you'd ordered, pulling a slight face, "Jesus try that" he laughed, handing you the glass,
"Mister Osborn I'm twenty" you smiled, taking the glass from him anyways and taking a swig, while Harry stole your fruity concoction, "This is much better" he laughed, pointing at the fancy glass, and placing it in front of you again.
You ordered, you didn't know what any of the dishes were, so you just bought what Harry did, justifying it with it sounds good, them having taken the garden salad off the menu, "Honestly" Harry laughed, putting his fork down, "The dinner isn't even the best part of this, I feel like just looking at you feeds me more" he smiled widely, still taking in your every inch,  amusing you to smile uncontrollably, your cheeks red and pained from smiling, "Jesus love" you laughed, trying to bite back your smile, you fiddled with your fork as you tried to stop smiling like an idiot, "You look astonishing" he breathed out, you could see his hand fiddling around with something in his pocket, he looked past you quickly, nodding at someone, causing you to turn around from gut instinct, Gwen and Peter sat at a table near yours, how did you not see them?
You heard a rustling from your table, spinning around back to face Harry, you saw him stand up, his hand in his pocket still, "You aren't going to shoot up the bar are you?" You sarcastically laughed, Harry smiling and scoffing jokingly in response, "Well," he leant down, presumably to tie his shoe, "I gotta say thanks to Gwen for introducing me to you, my best friend, lover, and hopefully" he pulled a red box from his pocket, "Wife, (Name) (Lastname) will you marry me?" He smiled, holding back tears.
You covered your mouth with your hands, tears streaming down your cheeks, you nodded quickly, "Yes" you sobbed, climbing out of your chair and hugging him tightly on the floor, not even having looked at the ring yet, "Oh thank fuck" he laughed, finally letting you go, and helping you off the floor, the entire bar clapping, Gwen ran over to you, engulfing you in her arms, "Make sure you sign a prenup" she laughed, before leaving the restaurant.

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