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"Flash!" You called out across the bar, the tall slightly muscular man made his way over to you, times like this you forgot not every man dressed as well as Harry Osborn, he hugged you, hands trailing down to your behind, "Wow a bit hands there,"you pulled away, he's exactly the same as he was years ago, dry conversations, you kept having to swat his hands off your thigh, could it be nine already? You wonder how Harry's dinner with tony stark was, it was probably better than the soggy chips and stole soda you were having right now, "I'm gonna go pay flash, my roommate needs me back" you smiled leaving, you gently waved at him, 'thank fuck thats over' you left, putting your half of the cash on the table, you flagged a cab,  telling the driver the address and finally leaving, going back to Harry's apartment, he hurt you, so very much, but you know he didn't mean it, stark was a cunt, you wonder how their dinners going.
Arriving back at Harry's apartment, you see he's not home yet, what a bother, I mean you aren't officially together, he'd spent that quick few minutes you saw him being sweet, the sweetest boy you'd ever met, kind, apologetic and his eyes glistened with pure and utter adoration for you, like you were an angel, a gift from the world, a person perfect to him in every way, shape and form, his personal heaven.
An hour ticked by, Harry probably wouldn't be home for a while, you untied your dress, putting it in his closet, just to keep it safe, necklace he had given you fully visible, not hidden, you weren't ashamed to wear it, and be comforted by it, like having a little piece of Harry with you, your Harry. You took some long sleep pants and a long sleeves shirt out of his closet, slipping them on and washing your makeup off, you tied back you hair and enveloped yourself in his large, soft bed, covering yourself in his warm sheets, he had the nicest things, your sheets felt gritty in comparison, maybe you'll have to sped, more time here.
11pm rolled around, a knock on the bedroom door made you stir slightly from your sleep, "sorry I'm late Dear, Stark was being well, stark and wouldn't let me leave" he smiled, he unbuttoned his shirt, your eyes following his hands until he tiredly stopped half way, stark really is like a leech, you'd never seen Harry this tired before, "come here" you whispered tiredly, you sat up, fumbling with his buttons, pulling his shirt off his arms and throwing it on the floor, taking off his remaining pants and belt, letting them join his other clothes on the floor, he pulled himself under the covers, pulling you into his arms, your back to his chest, kissing your temple lightly and resting his head gently behind yours, putting you both to sleep, happy, exhausted and in each others company, the happiest wither of you could be.

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