The Office (Smut Chapter)

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It isn't long before you're back in your office, Freddy trapping you against himself and the wall, helping you shrug out of your shirt. He pulls his tongue from your mouth once again and places you on the ground. Confused, you watch as he kneels down in front of you and goes to cup your breast but stops, looking up at you.

"Are you ok with this? We don't have to do this if you don't want to-"

You grab his face in your hands. "I want to." You reply, stern and surefooted.

Something deep inside him rumbles as the band leader begins to knead your breast with one paw and tweaking your nipple with the other. An audible gasp escaped you before Freddy swallowed it in his maw, filling your mouth with himself again. You moan, muffled and full as you again search for relief in any friction you can find between your legs. Luckily, Freddy's observant eyes rescue you, shifting his position to slide a leg between yours and allowing you to grind on him. You sigh around his tongue at the relief you feel. Minutes later, he retreats from you, letting the room fill with the symphony of your moans and the heavy rumble of his chest.

"I know, superstar, I know." He whispers into your ear, wrapping one arm around you and pulling you against his leg. You grind on him faster, more and more desperate for release.

"F-Freddy...." You moan loudly, letting out an additional sound when he pinches your nipple even harder before soothingly rubbing it.

"Is everything alright? Talk to me." He purrs, the vibrations from his sounds making you flush with wetness.

You coo, eyes lidded. "I-I'm so close~"

That was all he needed to lift you from his leg. The loss of sensation on your pussy makes groan and whine like a spoiled brat.

With a roll of his eyes and a warm chuckle, he moves to remove your pants, but not before asking for permission with his eyes. You nod, biting your thumb nervously and watching his every move.

How? How did this bear, this hunky pile of metal and bolts, make you melt at the slightest touch? If you thought about it, it didn't take you long to get here. He was pulling your pants from around your ankles and tossing them on to your desk, lust heavy in his lidded eyes as he flicked them from your eyes, to your neon teal panties. The color definitely looked familiar but he continued on wordlessly.

Then, before you know it, Freddy Fazbear positions himself even lower, his face mere inches away from your heat. You make sure you commit the image to memory, forever burned there. He drags his long heavy tongue from your knee, up to your thick inner thigh, using his muzzle to nudge your plump legs open, exposing more of yourself to him. Freddy pauses for a second, waiting to hear any protest from your end, but the scent of your cunt forces him not to waste another minute not in between your legs. Gently, he pulls your panties aside and reveals his goal. A warm inviting meal all for him.

"I'm sorry to say this, superstar," he starts, smile teasing at his lips. "But this smells better then anything you have ever made." Punctuating the sentence with a long, languid lick along your slit. 

You gasp, biting down on your knuckle to muffle yourself. Your other hand grips against your desk, using it to hold you up right even though Freddy it holding your hips steady in his vice grip. He gives your pussy another test lick before diving in. He grips your ass tightly, delving his tongue into your core. Your body shivers and convulses and he devours your pussy. You've resigned from trying to muffle your sounds and now are only focusing on Freddy, both of your hands on his head as you match his pace, grinding your cunt into him; but it's still not enough. You're missing something. You reach down in a desperate attempt to give your neglected clit some attention but your wrist is caught before you can reach it. You look down in shock, surprised to see Freddy staring back at you.

"Mine." He states, muffled against your sex before filling you up with his tongue. One paw on your stomach, the eager bear retracts his claws and uses his thumb to rub circles on your clit. Such a small, simple motion that has you seeing stars immediately.

"Oh fuccckk~" you moan, grinding faster as his vigor is renewed. He growls against you and you feel it everywhere.

Another convulsion wracks your body and the coil gets even tighter, dangerously even.

"F-Freddy, I'm g-gonna cum. Freddy, please let me cum. Please please please!" The words poured from your mouth, rushed and feverent.

"Cum for me, superstar. Let me taste you."

That was all you needed, the little push over the edge. The coil finally busted and all you could see was white. You chanted his name like a prayer, like he would save you from the very thing he caused. You ground yourself into him, hoping that maybe, just maybe he could swallow you whole; but he held you in place, rubbing your clit and working you through your orgasm. It wasn't until you were almost in tears from laughter and over stimulation that you were able to pry yourself from his mouth. Even then, Freddy had to give you one more lick for good measure before letting you go.

It took longer then you thought it would to recover. Even after 10 minutes, Freddy had to help you dress yourself. "Are you ok to walk? Did I hurt you?"

He was always so worried about you. It was adorable, like a puppy. It was refreshing to know that someone was wanting to take care of you for a change. You waved him off, a dreamy smile on your face.

"I'm fine. More then fine!" You laugh at him. The animatronics ears flatten, but you pat his cheek and caress it in attempts to reassure him. "Seriously, I'm good. I'm just not used to such... thorough ministrations."

He grins at this, somehow boyish and wicked but charming and lovely all at once. He scoops you up in his arms, pulling a Yelp from you that turns into laughter; and of course, your laughter draws his out until he's spinning you around in the kitchen, both of you laughing in the most sickening display of affection this complex had ever know. Not wanting to lose contact with you, Freddy reluctantly puts you down when you mention what time it is.

Walking you to the entrance, Freddy drags his feet, half actually sad that you have to leave and half in a pathetic attempt to draw out the time you have left to spend together. The whole time, you try to soothe him, patting and rubbing his arm while cracking jokes in hopes you can make him laugh. It works, for the most part. Eventually, you do make it to the main gate. You hold you arms out for a hug, giving a warm but inquisitive look to your....friend?

Shit. What did that make you guys? You were technically co-workers, right? Was this considered fraternization, or something much worse? You shake the thoughts from your mind, laughing when Freddy scoops you into one last comforting hug. He puts you down and waves to you on your way out of the door, but you pause halfway out.

"Ummm, so if you don't mind, tomorrow I still need help with inventory. Just have the walk in left. I'd love to have your help with that too, if it's ok. And I'd really love to get more hands on demonstrations of what tasks you can perform." You're trying desperately not to sound desperate but you're not really sure if you were achieving that. Either way, Freddy bends down to be eye level with you.

"It would be my pleasure, superstar."

You grin, giving him one last peck on the nose while he ruffles your hair before you walk backwards into the parking lot. You cheese at Freddy while he does the same back, waving and watching your car pull from the lot.

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