The Incident *BONUS*

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A/N: Surprise bitches, one last part!! I typed all of this to be part of the epilogue but it was just so much I decided to post it as it's own part.

Enjoy and this is it for this story! Thanks for sticking around !!


You had pulled into the parking lot early, on a Wednesday no less, to see Freddy standing outside of the complex's front doors, covered in muck and grime. He patted the head of a small boy, no older than 10 years old, who grinned up at him before Freddy scooped him up and placed him on his shoulder.

You remember so clearly the way your heart leapt at the sight.

'He would be such a good dad...'

A flash of blonde hair from behind Freddy brought you back to the present.

'What is she-'

You watched as Vanessa reached up to fist bump the kid, before she patted Freddy on the back.

You got out of your car to make your way over to the three.

"What's going on?" You had looked at Freddy, obviously worried but trying desperately to stay calm.

He lifted the boy off his shoulder and set him down, moving to wrap you in his arms. You ignored the dirt and smell that emanated from your partner.

"You're safe!" The bear exclaimed.


"Yeah, I'm safe." You pulled away from him, confused. "Why wouldn't I be safe, Freddy?"

He looked back to Vanessa and the boy who were happily chatting, then turned back to you with a frown.

"A lot happened this morning, my love." He croaked.

You can still see the fear and concern in his eyes from that day. You remember when you realized that those were most definitely not his eyes. You stepped away from him, looking him up and down. His arms had been a familiar shade of green, that you now knew who they had originally belonged to.

"What the hell happened?!" You had failed to keep the fear from your voice when you looked back at him.

Freddy stayed silent when you pushed past him, shaking Vanessa off when she reached out to you as you entered the Pizza Plex.

As far as you could tell, everything looked normal inside; but you could feel in the air that it was anything but.

You cautiously walked through the building, ignoring Freddy when he called after you, his thudding footsteps moved quickly in your direction. You picked up your pace, disregarding the eerie cackle that echoed from Moondrop somewhere off in the distance.

You had reached the kitchen before Freddy could reach you. You were shocked at the sight, your kitchen absolutely decimated. Pots, pans and utensils were strewn about but the most shocking thing had been Chica.

She had sat in front of the trash compactor, beak missing and she looked even dirtier than Freddy had. She sobbed silently when you'd touched the wiring of her exposed arm.


Behind you, Freddy had called your name and rushed to your side.

'Is his voice different too?'

Chica looked up to the two of you, her eyebrows curved into a look of helplessness.

You whipped around to Freddy, angry and confused as you pieced it all together. "Take her to parts and services. I need to find Roxanne and Monty."

Taking Inventory (Glamrock Freddy x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon