part 6-7

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/part 6/

yoongi was the first to speak, 'are you okay?'

i looked at him for a long moment and studied his face. why does he care? he's already perfect.

'no' i whispered. and it's because of you.

'i'm so sorry about what you're dealing with' he replied, oblivious to the fact that it was him i was 'dealing with'. 'you can always talk to me, i don't judge.'

'thanks, i'm just feeling a little off' i replied, suddenly feeling dizzy.

'don't worry, i know what it's like' he said nudging my back. it send a wave of electricity through me. i was so sensitive to him, i hated it.

a sinful thought reaches my mind as a faint red light shines in my vision. my mouth spoke on its own, 'do you want to grab a snack at the corner store?'

yoongi blinked, but didn't hesitate, 'yes, sure' he was almost blushing and i liked it.

/part 7/

we were normal students at a convenience store.

'let's go on the bus' i said as yoongi peeled his tangerine. we had just payed and stepped out into the afternoon shower, the sky was as clear as my mind. what a great day.

he nodded and i led him on to the stop.

clueless, just like the others, i thought and mentally slapped myself.

i will not do it to him. he's different.

but even as i thought, the same red light gets stronger. that red light which used to align with my emotions was now betraying me.

'i like you' i said out loud. the lights don't fade, they don't even flicker.

'w- what?' yoongi stammered, his cheeks now dusted with strawberry blush. a gust of wind blew through his hair while the bus pulled up and halted to a stop.

'i said, i like you' i repeated myself, grabbing the boy's hand. the red lights clouded my mind and i was nauseous.

'we're going home.'

RED LIGHTS // yoonkookWhere stories live. Discover now