26. Back to Zero

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Seokjin's P.O.V.

The blinding sunlight hits my eyes as it reflects against the rear view mirror of the car. So I took my time in adjusting my sight with the brightness of the morning.

The weather seems clearer today, compared to the raging mad rain and thunders last night. I clenched to my chest, it still hurts. No words can explain the pain I'm feeling inside. I am slowly losing breath as I let my tears fall again. I guess crying is now my best friend. It didn't want me to be happy at all.

I rest my head on the steering wheel and just continued to cry. I don't know how to get this pain out of my chest again. When I thought I can be all healed having Taehyung back in my life, but I just destroyed my whole being again by giving us another chance.

But wait--

I remember I was putting Soohri to sleep, and I was crying the whole night beside her crib. What am I doing here in the car then?! Did I go out last night and slept here??


Taehyung's P.O.V.

My head hurts so bad. I want to sleep more but Soohri's loud cries are echoing around the room.

"Soohri, sweetheart.."

My voice, it's-- it's deep once again. I hurried to the dresser's mirror to check..

"Oh fuckk!! No! No! This isn't the best time to switch back!! Fuck!!"

This is the worst time for me and Jin to go back to our own bodies! There won't be any reason for him to keep me near again! And the only way I could prove my sincerity to him this time is to make him live my life fully. And me living as him would be a big factor too so I can show him that I am willing to sacrifice more for him, especially now that he's pregnant for our child.

But how could we just go back that easy, when we least expect it! Fuck! His wish!! Yeah, he wished for it last night! Shall I make my wish too so we can switch again?!

I closed my eyes and tried to concentrate, maybe if I sincerely make a wish-- But Soohri cried harder, so I just sighed and took her into my arms. "Daddy is here, don't cry, baby. Come, let's find your appa."

Where did I end up last night after Jin closed the door on me?! The car. Yes, I stayed there!

Oh no, Jin's pregnant. He shouldn't have slept there with his clothes soaking wet. What if he gets sick?!

Soohri and I made our way downstairs, when I heard the doorbell came on. It must be Jin.

When I opened the door, Jin is still in tears. All I can mutter was, "Baby.."

Jin wiped his tears and took Soohri from me, "Please take your car keys. You can go."

"Jin, baby.. Can we please talk for a while?" I asked as he walked past me. He turned back to look at me when he reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Things will be easier for you now that we switched back, Tae. It's what you've always wanted, right? Now, sort what you need to sort. Then just come back to me when you've figured out what's gonna be best for all of us. Coz right now, I don't know what to tell you. As much as I want to fix this family, I'm faced with the sad reality that you are the one who's keeping it from being whole again..

I love you, Tae. I really do. But I'm already tired. I'm so tired that I don't know how to love you anymore. Please, go now. Just please let me be for now. Let's talk some other time again, Tae. When we're both not tired anymore. Get some rest too. We need it after everything."

I felt like all the energy in my body just got drained. I ran out of words to say to Jin. He's right, we should just rest for now. I've already caused him too much pain. A break is all I can offer him right now.

I nodded and walked towards Jin. Then I gave Soohri a kiss on her forehead and whispered, "Daddy will be back for you and appa, hmm? I'm sorry, my princess..

Please take care of yourself and our child, Jin. I won't take long. I'll come back to you, and when I do, I'll make sure to make you mine again. I love you, Jin.."

Jin did not look at me the whole time, but it's enough for me that he heard what I had to say before I head out.


Author-nim's P.O.V.

Jin has not eaten yet since Taehyung left. His mind is too occupied to even feel hungry. After feeding Soohri, cleaning her up and spending some time with his daughter, he put her to bed to take her afternoon nap.

He only cried while lying on his bed until he can't cry anymore. He tried to put himself to sleep too, but his mind just couldn't get off the thoughts of losing Taehyung to Jimin again.

Jin's phone came on ringing, but he didn't have the strength to answer it. It rang several times, but Jin just ignored it, not wanting to talk to anyone especially if it's about work.

After a while, the doorbell of their house came on which forced Jin to get up.

As soon as he opened the door, he just let his tears out and cried out loud, "H-hobi--"

"Oh Jinnie! Come here--"


Love and life together can be so complicated.

How can two people, who are clearly in love with each other, actually hurt more by being together?!

What can be more painful - being together or being apart? If they're both painful, then what's more worthy of choosing? 🥺

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